Index of Images

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Alphabetical Index /  Index by Page/Line Number

Alphabetical index

Acacia catechu, 356.17-18
Acapulco, 239.12
acorn moth (Blastobasis glandulella) , 378.04-05
Acropolis, East Facade of Propylaea, 350.01-02
Ada, cover of first Penguin edition, Afternote Part 1, Ch 2, Afternote Part 1, Ch 16
Ada typescript page, 207.09-11
Adam, Parmagianino, preparatory sketch of, 12.30-13.05, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 5
Adam and Eve, Parmagianino, 12.30-13.05, 60.12-14, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 15
Adams, Robert, Etruscan Dressing-Room, Osterley, 349.33-34
Adamovich, Georgy, 430.12ƒ
Admiral Pavel Nakhimov, 458.02-03
Adula mountains, 168.28ß
aerogram, 178.07
aeroplane, Farman I, 36.03-08
Alfonos IV of Portugal, 1621,  456.01-02
agave, Parry's (Agave parryi) , 376.02-03, 414.25-28
Agave americana and Aloe arborescens, 385.06-07
Aix-en-Provence, France, 256.12
Aksakov, Sergey, 150.19-20, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 24
Akimiski Island, 429.05-06
Alaska Fur Seal, 391.14-27
Alberti, Leon Battista, 149.25
Alder trees, 216.34
Aldiss, Brian
, 340.04
Alhambra, The Court of the Lions, 342.31-33,
Alice, the White Rabbit, and the Mad Hatter, (by José de Creeft), 404.05
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll, illustration of a card figure, by Sir John Tenniel, 226.10-12
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, illustration of flamingo croquet by Sir John Tenniel, 53.25-28
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carrol, illustration of the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, by John Tenniel, 222.16-17
Almeh, 394.13
Aloe arborescens and Agave americana, 385.06-07
Aloutta ursina, ursine howler, 64.12
alpenstock, 305.26-30, 311.32-34, 445.31-32,
Alpes Martimes, map, 8.02
Alphonos IV, 456.01-02
Alpine columbine, (Aquilegia alpina), 7.07-9.10
Alpine columbine, 7.23
Altyn Tag, 20.05b
Amaranthus caudatus, 348.11-12
ambon, 443.13
American elm, 53.34-54.01, 92.31-33
American football, 69.08-09
American mink (vison), 391.19
American ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus), 256.29-30, 258.29-30
Amis, Kingsley, 107.25-26, 340.04
anadem, 89.03
Analytical Enginee, the, 224.33-34
anemones, 37.13-14
Andersen, Hans Christian, 281.32-34
angelica (Angelica litoralis), 155.11
Annual Fleabane, (Erigeron annuus), 156.02b
Anthocharis cardamines butterfly, 57.03-05
Appenzeller hound, 22.22
apple canker, 168.12
Apuleius, Lucius, Afternote Part 1 Ch. 10
arabesque patterns, 351.03b
arbutus tree, 351.03c
Arden Elizabeth, 420.32-33,
Arden forest, 371.02
Ardez, 122.12-13
Ardisia elliptica, 225.17-19
argus, Brown (Aricia agestis), 425.30
argus, Great (Argusianus argus), 425.30
Armenia, map, 330.20, 449.04.05
Armstrong-Jones, Antony, Lord Snowdon, 330.19-20
Arnold, Jack, 340.13-19
Arnold, Matthew, 145.19-21
Argynnis niobe fritillary butterfly, 57.13, 404.18
Aricia icarioides, 94.07
Arp Hans, sculpture, 178.08, 350.20a
Arrowhead, Lake, 324.01-04
Asparagus officinalis, 259.09-14
aster flowers (Aster amelius), 156.02
Astor, J. J., residence in Chetwood. Newport, 349.32-33
Astrophel and Stella, title page, 156.02
Atahualpa, 341.20
Atala by Chateaubriand, sketch by Gustave Doré, 89.15
Auden, W. H., 127.32-33, 270.24-25
Audubon, John James, 47.18-19
Audubon, John James, Carolina pigeons (Mourning doves), 47.18-19
Austen, Jane, Sotherton Court from Mansfield Park, sketches by VN, Forenote Part 1, Ch. 6
Austen, Jane, portrait, 8.25-28
, 35,17-18; 249.02-05
Avri, Édouard-Henri, 220.21-22
Ayhenvald, Yuli, 31.14-15
Azov, sea port, 232.27
Azov sea, 232.27

Babbage, Charles, 224.33-34
Babes in the Wood, illustration by Randolph Caldecott, 153.32-3, 163.19, 191.10
Bacchanal of the Andrians, by Titian, 141.17
Bacchus by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, 140.15-22
Baden Powell, 295.12
Baie des Anges, 449.11,
Bakst, Leon, 1916, 430.12-13
Bakst, Leon, Set and costume
design for Scheherazade, 1910, 217.26-27
Bakst, Léon, portrait of Andrey Bely
, 240.21-22

Bald Eagle, 133.26
ball in a cup, 82.13-14
Balthus (Balthazar Klossowski de Rola), 111.16-112.16
Balzac, Honoré de, 198.26-29
Banff as seen from the top of the gondola, 410.13
Banff Park Museum,,
Banks, Joseph
, 63.07
Banksia integrifolia
, 63.07
Bannister, Roger, 125.30-31
Barbarella, 406.23
Bardot, Brigitte, 380.29-31
barn swallow, English, 87.15
Barton and Guestier wine advertisement, 58.10-12
Baron Ponsonby, 330.18-19
Basket of Fruit, by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, 140.15-22
Battleship Potemkin, film
, 182.14-15
Baudelaire, Charles, 176.04-05, 106.11-26
Bayard, Émile, illustration for François le bossu by Sophie de Ségur, 114.01-02
Beacon Street Mall, Boston , 436.13-14
Beauvoir, de, Simone, 380.29-31
Beauty and the Beast, illustration by Walter Crane, 190.14

beaver, German (nemetskiy bobr), 391.19-20
beaver, Eurasian (Castor fiber), 391.14-27
Beckett, Samuel, 1977, 315.13-16, 344.08-10, 371.15,
bed bug (Cimex lectularius), 141.15-16
bee, wild (Eucera (Synhalonia) sp.), 101.16-17
Bell, Alexander Graham, hydrofoil, 3.10-11
Bell, Alexander Graham, telephone, 23.09
Belleau, Rémy, 457.25-26,
Bellini, Jacopo, Cruxifixion, 418.29-31
Bellow, Saul, 343.10-11
beluga caviar, 79.30

Bely, Andre by Léon Bakst, 240.21-22
Benzaiten, the goddess, 226.14
Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Jacques-Henri, 127.19-20
Bernhardt, Sarah, 160.01
Bernina Express, 450-09-10,
Bergson, Henri, 1927, 377.05-14
Bessarabia, map of, 330.19
Bezborodko, Alexander, 330.18-19

Bible Belt, USA, 241.23-26
Bibliothèque rose illustrée, illustration for Les Petites Filles modèles by Sophie de Ségur , 114.01-02
Bidet de Selle, 457.14-23
bilberry, 85.03-04
Bird of Paradise
, Afternote Part One, Ch. 5, 387.15
Bird of Paradise displaying, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 30
Bird of Paradise, King, 410.08
Bird of paradise, (Lophorina superba), 410.08
Birth of Venus, Sandro Botticelli, 4.16(b), 349.02, 392.24
Black Locust or 'false acacia' (Robinia pseudoacacia), 277.01-02
Black Swallowtail butterfly (Papillio polyxenes), 148.09
bladder senna flowers (Colutea arborescens), 124.24, 125.03, 128.06, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 20, 194.04, 398.27
bladder senna seedpods (Colutea arborescens), 125.03, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 20
Blas, Gil, cover for La Parure, 1893, 63.14,
Blaschka glass flower and burnet moth, 13.33
Blass, Bill, 78.22-23, 187.07, Afternote Part One, Chaper 31
Blennosperma, 373.10
Blériot plane, 14.24
Blind Girl, The, John Everett Millais, 131.34
Blind Leading the Blind, Brueghel, Pieter, 81.33-82.03, 347.01-02,
Bloch, Iwan, Sexual Life of our Time, The,, 131.17
Blok, Alexander, 4.22, 53.22-24
Blonde Woman, A, by Palma Vecchio, 141.18-19
blue, common (Polyommatusicarus), 178.08-11
Bluebird, mountain (Sialia currucoides), 191.30
bluets (Houstonia ssp.), 299.02
bog orchid, 376.02-03
bogberry, (Oxycoccus palustris), 72.31, 85.03-04
Boletus auratiacus, red bolete, 119.25, 142.13, 276.19-20, 405.24-26,
Boloria selene fritillary butterfly, 57.14-26
Bonne Nuit les Petits, 6.01-03, Afternote Pt. 1 Ch1., 118.02
bonze, 91.04-08
Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus), 148.09
Borges Jorge Luis, 77.02-05, 344.08-10
Bosch, Hieronymus, Death and the Miser, 433.07-08,

Bosch, Hieronymus, Garden of Earthly Delights, 5.10-11, Aft Part 1, Ch 1, 60.15, Aft Part 1, Ch 9, Aft Part 1, Ch 11, Aft Part 1, Ch 14, Aft Part 1, Ch 15, Aft Part 1, Ch 16, 103.13, Aft Part 1, Ch 20, Forenote Part 1, Ch. 21, Aft Part 1, Ch. 21, Aft Part 1, Ch 31, Aft Part 1, Ch 32, Aft Part 1, Ch 38, Aft Part 2, Ch 2, 426.13-14, 433.25, 436.28
Bosch, Hieronymus, Garden of Earthly Delights, left panel, Aft Part 1, Chapter 25, Aft Part 1, Ch. 36
Bosch, Hieronymus, Garden of Earthly Delights, centre panel, Aft Part 1, Ch. 22, Aft Part 1, Ch 33, Aft Part 1, Chapter 34, Aft Part 1, Ch. 36, 331.15-18, 334.19-20, Aft Part 2, Ch 7, 426.15-16, 433.25, 457.14-23
Bosch, Hieronymus, Garden of Earthly Delights, right panel, Aft Part 1, Ch. 22, Aft Part 1, Ch 33, Aft Part 1, Ch. 36, 315.04-06

Bosch, Hieronymus, Garden of Earthly Delights, right panel, hellish hounds, 438-23-24
Bosch, Hieronymus, Garden of Earthly Delights, external panels: Creation, Aft. Part 2, Ch 2
Bosch, Hieronymus, Garden of Earthly Delights, central panel,
man embracing a strawberry, 437.14-15,
Bosch, Hieronymus, Garden of Eartly Delights, central panel, bird detail, 436.28

Bosch, Hieronymus, Garden of Eartly Delights, central panel, blue thistle, 436.28
Bosch, Hieronymus, Last Judgement, central panel, 435.23-34
Bosch, Hieronymus, Last Judgement, right inner panel, 435.23-34
Bosch, Hieronymus, Last Judgement, 56.24-29,
331.15-18, 426.15-16, 433.31-33, 434.28-29, 435.06-10, Aft. Pt 2, Ch. 10, Aft. Part 2, Ch.11
Bosch, Hieronymus, Ship of Fools, 331.15-18
Botany Bay, 63.07
Botticelli, Sandro, Birth of Venus, 4.16(b), 392.24
Bonjour, Tristesse, 371.15-16
Boucher, François, Girl Reclining (Marie-Louise O'Murphy), 43.03-06, 178.16
Boucher, François, ceiling painting at Fontainebleu Palace, 36.07-08, 178.16, 288.12-13
Bourdeilles, Pierre de, Seigneur de Brantôme, 140.03
Bourgeois, Léon-Victor-Auguste, 341.12-13
Bourget, Paul, 61.07-09, 300.02
bow tie, butterfly, 287.33-288.01
Bowerbird, male, Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30
bowling ball or kegelkugel, 261.16-29, 440.20-441.17, 440.33-34
Box II with young Nabokovs, 14.03. 61.04-06
Brabazan, Sir Vere Ponsonby, ninth Earl of Bessborough, 330.18-19
Braille, Louis, 131.34
Brantôme in the Dordogne, 142.02-03
Brantôme, Seigneur de, (Pierre de Bourdeilles), 140.03
Brantôme Seigneur de, Lives of Fair and Gallant Ladies, 140.03
Braque, Georges, Violin and Candlestick, 17.12, 350.22-23
Braque, Georges, Man with a Guitar, 304.30-31
Bras d'Or, 3.10-11
Brassia (formerly Ada) aurantiaca, 323.20
Braun, Alexander, 102.26
breloque, 132.05
Brentano, Clemens, 56.18-20
Breton, Andre, 426.15-16
bridal crown, 39.24-25
Bride of Lammermoor The , by Sir Walter Scott, 240.21
Bridges, Robert, 145.18-19
Brig, 7.09(b)
British Empire, 19.27-29
Brockhaus Universal-Lecksickon, ca. 1928, 220.16-17
Brooke, Rupert, 181.18-182.01
Bronzino, Venus, Satyr and Cupid, 32.27-28, 146.11, 348.23-28, 413.13-14
Brougham, Lord Henry, 454.09
brougham carriage, single, 454.09
brougham, Hedag Electric,1905, 454.09
Brown argus (Aricia agestis), 425.30,
Brown, Capability, Northern Lake in Newton St.Loe College, 33.30-31
Brown, Robert, 105.33-34, 107.26 , Afternote Part 1, Ch. 17, 145.18-19, 166.09-12
Brown Hill or Brownhill College
21.33-34, 107.07-08, 111.13, 166.09-12, 230.09-10, 302.29-31
Browning, Robert, 128.01-02, 145.18-19
Brueghel, Pieter, The Fall of Icarus, 81.33-82.03, 347.01-02,
Brueghel, Pieter, Flowers in a Vase, 350.15
Brueghel, Pieter, The Nest Robber, 81.33-82.03, 347.01-02,
Brueghel, Pieter, Peasant Dance, 81.33-82.03, 401-26-27
Brueghel, Pieter, The Parable of the Blind Leading the Blind, 81.33-82.03, 347.01-02,
Brueghel, Pieter, The Tower of Babel, 347.01-02,
Brueghel, Pieter, Village along a river, 350.15
Brueghel, Pieter, Wedding Dance in the Open Air, 81.33-82.03
Bruegel, Pieter, the younger, Peasant Wedding Dance, 401-26-27
Brunelleschi, Filippo, by Masaccio, 149.25
Brünnhilde, 172.02-04
Bryn Mawr, 21.33-34, 107.07-08, 111.13, 166.09-12, 230.09-10
Bryusov, Valery, 31.14-15
bubas (frambosia), 132.25
buboes, 132.25(b)
Buchan, John, Thirty-Nine Steps, 302.28
bucklers, 435.27
Budé book cover, 384.15
bulbul, brown-ered, 50.16(b)
bunting, reed-varied, 53.13, 92.31-33
burdock, common (Arctium lappa), 269.12
Bürger, Gottfried August, 146.26-33
burka, 183.26-28, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 30
Burton and Speke expeditions, 120.03-04
Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 120.03-04, 131.02, 344.13-14
Butler, Samuel, Forenote Part 1, Ch. 3
buttercup, 36.06, 63.20
butterfly, Aglais urticae, (Small Tortoiseshell or Nettlefly), 436.34,
butterfly, Anthocharis cardamines, 57.03-05
butterfly, Argynnis niobe fritillary, 57.13, 404.18
butterfly, Battus philenor, (Pipevine Swallowtail), 401.01-02
butterfly, Boloria euphrosyne, pearl-bordered fritillary, 404.31
butterfly, Boloria selene fritillary, 57.14-26
butterfly, Boloria selene (silver-bordered fritillary,underside, 404.31
butterfly, Celastrina argiolus, Holly blue, 71.22-23
butterfly, Celastrina ladon, Echo azure, 71.23
butterfly Danaüs plexippuss, 158.11-15, Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25
butterfly, Eumaeus atala, 105.33-34, 164.24-27
butterfly, Iolana iolas, 128.26-33
butterfly Limenitis (Basilarchia) archippus, 158.11-15, Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25
butterfly, Maniola jurtina, Meadow brown, 436.30-32
butterfly Nymphalis antiopa, 158.11-15, Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25, 174.04-06
butterfly, Nymphalis polychloros, Large Tortoiseshell, 436.34
butterfly, Nymphalis polychloros, pupa, 56.16-57.02
butterfly, Nymphalis vaualbum, 55.24-29
butterfly Papillio polyxenes, 148.09
butterfly, Pieris rapae, 128.26-33
butterfly, Plebejus (Lycaeides) idas sublivens, female, 171.19-20
butterfly, Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor) , 404.01-02
butterfly, Polyommatus icarus, 178.11-12
butterfly Pseudophilotes abencerragus, 105.33-34, 342.31-33
butterfly, Speyeria fritillary, 57.14-26
butterfly, Speyeria diana, 404.01-02
butterfly, Vanessa atalanta, 158.11-15
butterfly Zegris eupheme, 105.33-34, 342.31-33
butterfly bow tie, 287.33-288.01
butterfly orchid (Oncidium luridum), 419.27-28
butterfly orchid, Psychopsis (Oncidium) papillio, 7.33, 8.22, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 16
butterfly wing, 132.31-32
Butts, Alfred Mosher , 222.12-223.03,
Lord Byron by Thomas Phillips, 1813, 402.11
Byron, Lord (George Gordon Byron), 71.28-73.32, 241.14-15
Byron, Lord, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, 219.02, 449.01-02
Byron's Pool, 181.01

Cabbage white (Pieris rapae), 128.26-33
Caboto, Giovanni /Cabot, John, 383.01
cactus plants, 376.02-03
Caldecott, Randolph, The Babes in the Wood, illustration, 153.32-33, 163.19, 191.10
calèche, horse-drawn , 34.15; 78.26; 87.10-11, 153.06-08, Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25, 187.10, 189.02-03, 298.34, 398.16-17, 408.16-17454.09
cairns birdwing (Troides euphorion), 173.03
calcium carbide lamp, 154.23
Caltha palustri (marsh marigold), 63.21-23
Calville apples, 251.24
Cam, River, 181.01
Camel Cigarettes, 419.26
Camus, Albert, 270.24-25
Camberwell Beauty butterfly (Nymphalis antiopa), 158.11-15, Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25
cameo, 48.28-29
Canadian Mounties, 21.26
cannabis (hemp), 122.05
canoe, Rob Roy, 116.16
Capri, 152.29
Captain Grant's Children, by Jules Verne, 5.23-7.05, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 30, 220.18, 334.28-29
Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da, Bacchus, 140.15-22
Caravaggio Michelangelo Merisi da, Basket of Fruit, 140.15-22
Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da, The Conversion of St. Paul, 140.15-22
Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisis da, The Cruxifixion of St. Peter, 140.15-22
Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da, portrait by Ottavio Leoni, 140.15-22
Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da, Self-portrait as Bacchus, 140.15-22
card figures, from Alice in Wonderland, by John Tenniel, 226.10-12
Carlo de’ Medici by Andrea Mantegna, 274.05
Carmen, portrait from story by Prosper Merimée, 56.29-30
Carmen, watercolour, Prosper Mérimée, 77.02-06
carnation, 239.09
Carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua), 371.04
Carob tree flowers, 371.04
Carolina pigeons (Mourning doves) by John James Audubon, 47.18-19
Carroll, Lewis, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, illustration of card figures by John Tenniel, 226.10-12
Carroll, Lewis, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, illustration of flamingo croquet by Sir John Tenniel, 53.25-28
Carrol, Lewis, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, illustration of the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, by John Tenniel, 222.16-17
caryatids, 81.27
Casanova, Giacomo, 49.10-12, 136.29, 196.10, 418.28-2
Cascadilla Gorge, 452.05,
Casino Mediceo di San Marco, 274.05
Casino de Paris, 350.26-27
Casino Royale, by Ian Fleming, cover, 147.12-13
caterpillar, Catocala sponsa, 55.04-07
caterpillar, Io moth (Lasiocampidae) , 250.23
caterpillar, Orgyia definita, 55.07-09
caterpillar, Puss moth, 55.18, 98.02
caterpillar, Shark moth, 55.02-03
Cathedral of Saint Nicholas, 451.03-04
Cather, Willa, 128.01-02
Catherine the Great, 233.32-33
Catocala sponsa caterpillar, 55.04-07
Catocala sponsa pupa, 56.16-57.02
Cattails, marsh plant (Typha latifolia), 216.34a
Cattleya, Afternote Part 1, Ch 2,
Cattleya (cover of Ada) Afternote Part 1, Ch 16
Cattleya bicolor, 56.06-10
Cattleya Hawkmoth, hairy caterpillar, 449.14-15
Cattleya labiata 'Helena', 56.06-10, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 16
Catullus, Gaius Valerius, 66.03-04
Caucasus mountains, 171.03-172.04
Cavalcanti, Guido , 23.26-28
caviar, beluga, 79.30
cedar, Weeping Atlas (Cedrus libani atlantica), 204.17, 221.07
cedar, Weeping Blue Atlas (Cedrus Atlantica 'Glauca Pendula'), 115.01-03
celandines, 37.13-14
Celastrina argiolus (Holly Blue butterfly), 71.22-23
Celastrina ladon (Echo azure butterfly), 71.232
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 299.10
'Cendrillon' illustration by Gustave Doré, from Charles Perrault's Les Contes des Fées, 49.04-06, 114.16-17, 242.26-08
centaur, 26.28
Cephalanthera austinae (Phantom orchid), 196.04
César Gabriel de Choiseul, duc de Praslin, 399.02-04,
Cézanne, Paul, Harlequin, 157.08
chaise longue, 197.02
Chaliapin, Fyodor, 412.15-17
chamois, 149.22-23
Channel Tunnel, 181.16-17
Chanterelle mushroom (Cantharelius cibarius), 212.20-21
charabanc, 78.20-79.03, 125.19
Chardin, Jean-Baptiste Siméon, House of Cards, 111.16-112.16
Charles I, 157.21-23
Charles de Gaulle, 1958, 329.17-18, 341.14, 457.05
Château de Combourg, Le, 138.01-139.04
Château d'Oex poster, 7.09
Château d'Oex, photo from 1920s, 7.09, 26.01, 347.18
Château d'Oex, location, 122.12-13
Château Latour, 242.33-34
Chateaubriand, Fra
nçois-Réné, 3.08, 50.06, 15.31, 106.11-26, 133.08, 138.01-139.04. Afternote Part 1, Ch..22, 198.26-29, 215.02-04, Afternote Part 1 Ch. 35, 241.09-10, 279.16-17, 342.31-33, 367.01, 435.20-21,
Chateaubriand, Atala, sketch by Gustave Doré, 89.15
Chatsworth House, 35.17-18
Chinchilla laniger, 413.31
Cheever, John, 68.21-69.20, 248.21-33
Chekhov, Anton, 163.12-15, 193.25-26, 219.09, 310.26-29
Chekhov, Anton, front cover of Three Sisters, 246.13
Chekhov, Anton, reading The Seagull to Moscow Art Theatre company, 233.11
Chervonetz, 1922, 309.25
Cheshire, Geoffrey Leonard, 32.30, 176.12-13
Chesterfield, 4th Earl of (Philip Dormer Stanhope), 33.04, 174.34-175.01
Chetwood, residence of J.J. Astor, Newport, 349.32-33
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, by Byron, 219.02, 449.01-02
Chiloglottis reflexa (orchid, with wasp on lip), 102.01
chimney breasts, 350.32b
Chinchilla laniger, 413.31
Chippendale armchair, 378.32
Chippendale statue, Otley, UK
, 378.32
Christian, Vladimir, of Denmark by Justus Sustermans, 382.33-383.03
Chufut cave dwellings, 185.24, Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30
, 319.20-21
Christie, Anna (poster), 165.03-04, Afternote Part 1, Chapter 27
chromophotography, 408.26-28, 446.07, Afternote Part 2, Ch. 11
chrysanthemum, (Chrythsanthemum indicum), 194.01-06
Churchill, John, 1st Duke of Marlborough by Enoch Seeman, 267.30-31, 288.14-16
Churchill, Winston, 181.11, 259.26-28
cicada, 94.06
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 5.27
Cinderella, illustration by Charles Perrault, 191.10
Circassian woman, 139.16
Clarence House, London, 146.26-33
clepsydra, 14.05
Clockwork Orange, A, (production photo), 166.16
coco de mer, 202.06
Cocteau, Jean, 198.26-29
Colossus of Rhodes, 349.32-33
columbines, 37.13-14
Colutea arborescens (bladder senna), 124.24, 125.03, 194.0
Combourg, canton, 138.01-139.04
conifers, 142.18
convict cichlids, 239.15,
248.12, 399.05-06
convict cichlids (Amatitlania nigrofasciatus), 239.31
Cook's landing at Botany Bay, 63.07
Common blue, (Polyommatus icarus), 178.08-11
Common gromwell (Lithospermum officinale), 342.33-34
Compton tortoiseshell (Nymphalis vaualbum), 55.24-29
Conrad Hilton outside his Amsterdam Hotel, 452.32
Conrad Hilton hotel in Chicago, 452.32
Conversion of St. Paul, The, by Michelangelo Merisis da Caravaggio, 140.15-22
Coppée, François, 64.19(b), 126.06, 127.24-128.01, 194.21-22, 246.12-14, 257.10, 300.03, 324.01-04, 396.09-10
coypu, South American aqatic rodent (Myocastor coypus), 391.19
Corday, Charlotte, 171.16-18
Cordula orchid, (Paphiopedilum purpuratum), 306.07-09
Corneille, Pierre, 169.19b
Cornel, in the Crimea, 319.15
Cornelian cherry tree (Cornus mascula), 185.25
Cornelian cherry berries (Cornus mascula), 185.25, Aft, Part 1, Ch. 30
Corregio, 256.14
Cossack on horseback, 183.24-26
Courbet,Gustave, Lake Geneva, 152.34-153.01
Court of the Lions, Alhambra, 342.31-33
cowslip (Primula veris), 300.04
Cranach, the Elder, Adam and Eve, 16.22, 393.15
Crane, Walter Beauty and the Beast, illustration , 190.14
Crane, Walter, Little Red Riding Hood, illustration, 191.10
cream puff, profiterole, 260.20-23
Creeley, Robert, 134.33-34
Creation, outer panels, Garden of Earthly Delights, Aft. Pt2, Ch 2
Crimea, 121.03, 181.13-14, Afternote Part 1, Ch.19, 231.25-27; 329.04-05
Crimean Khanate, 341.19
Crimean War, overview map, 1855, 316.08-11, 329.04-09
Cromwell, Oliver, 342.33-34
Cromwell, Thomas, 342.33-34
croquet players, 53.11-15
croquet with flamingos, illustration by Sir John Tenniel from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, 53.25-28
crown of flowers, 89.02-03
crumpet, 89.04
crumpet, hot buttered, 302.29-31
cruxifixion, The Three Crosses by Peter Paul Rubens, 91.04-08
Cruxifixion, by Jacopo Bellini, 418.29-31
Cruxifixion of St. Peter The, by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, 140.15-22
Cumberland, England, 454.09
cuneiform, 26th century BC, 399.16-17
, 91.04-08
Cypress tree (Cupressus sempervirens), 145.19-21
Cyrano de Bergerac, 399.11
Cyrillic alphabet - Old Church Slavonic version (Cyrillitsa), 84.20-22

Cyrillic script - old Russian orthography, 84.20-22
Cyrillic script - modern Russian orthography introduced in 1918, 84.20-22

da Vinci, Leonardo, The Last Supper, 274.05
dackel, Box II with young Nabokovs, 14.03
dachshund, 456.10-12
Dada newspaper, 178.08

Dada official letterhead, 178.08
Daguerre, Louis, 399.16-17
daguerreotype, by Louis Daguerre, 399.16-17
Dahl, Michael, Alexander Pope, 274.27-28
Dahl, Vladimir by Vasily Perov, 225.28-31
Dahl's Russian dictionary, title page, 225.25
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary, example, 225.28-31
Dahlia (sherffii), 225.29
Dahlia, Victoria (hortensis), 225.29
daisy chain, 89.02-03
Dali, Salvadore, 426.15-16
Danae by Titian, 418.29-31
D'Annunzio, Gabriele, 152.32-33
Daphnis, with satyr (Pan) and panpipes, 110.24-25
Darwin, Charles, 91.26-27, 115.32-34, 133.23-26, 306.07-09
Darwin, Erasmus, 115.32-34,
Datura (Datura stramonium) 3.09
David, Jacques-Louis, Death of Marat, 171.16-18
Davos, Fridericianum Sanitorium, 347.18-348.01
Deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna), 270.21
Death’s-head Hawkmoth larvae (Acherontia atropos), 56.06-10; 141.13-14; 411.27-28
Debussy, Claude, 430.12-13
Defense, The, cover, 72.23-2
Dégas, Edgar, The False Start, 278.23-24
de Gaulle, Charles, 329.17-18, 341.14, 457.05
de Gaulle, Philippe, 457.05
Déjeuner sur l'herbe (Le), 29.07
Demon and angel with Tamara's soul. Vrubel's illustration to Lermontov's poem 'Demon', 245.14
Dervish drums, 183.16
Descartes, René, by Frans Hals, 142.05-05, 153.24-25
desman, Russian, (Desmana moschata), 368.13-14, 413.31
Devi, 90.31-34
Diablerets, Les, 26.01
Diaghilev, Sergey, 199.15-16, 381.24-25
Diana and Callisto, by Palma Vecchio, 141.17-18
Diemen, Anton van , 377.20-27
digger, peat-bog, 49.15-16
dinosaur footprint (Gigandipus), 171.15
Divan Japonais, le, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, (picture hat), Afternote Part 1, Ch 2, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 5, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 14, 103.21-104.02, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 17, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 19, 169.24-27, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 27, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 36, 230.03, 231.16
La Dolce Vita, La (poster), 169.15
Don Giovanni, 147.17
Donne, John, 106.28-30
Doré, Gustave, illustration for Chateaubriand's Atala, 89.15
Doré, Gustave, illustration for Charles Perrault's Les Contes des Fées, 'Cendrillon', 49.04-06, 114-16-17, 242.06-08
Doré, Gustave, illustration for Tennyson's Idylls of the King, 146.26-33
Dore, river, 5.07, 138.01-139.04
Dorotea, by Sebastiano del Piombo, 140.17-24
Dossi, Dosso, Nymph and Satyr, 141.18-19
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 38.19-20, 193.25-26, 240.21-22, 310.26-29, 424.01-02
Double Barrel by Nicholas Freeling, 4.16b, 21.19-21, 222.16-17; 347.01-02
Doumer, Paul, 341.13-14
Doumergue, Gaston, 341.13-14
Dowson, Ernest, portrait photo, 276.32-277.03
doves, Mourning (Carolina pigeons), by John James Audubon, 47.18-19
dragonfly (Libellula cyanea), 20.07, 390.33-34
drupe, 94.15
, 394.15-16
Duccio, The Last Supper and The Washing of Feet, 274.05
Duchamp, Marcel, sculpture, 'The Fountain'
, 178.08, 350.20a
Duke of Devonshire's Flying Childers by James Seymour, 78.23-24

Duncan, Robert
, 134.33-34
Dudley, John, Earl of Northumberland, 186.12-13
Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester, 186.12-13
Dudok, Willem, 350.27-28
Dudok, Willem, Hoogovens Steal Building, 350.23-25
Dujardin Édouard, 300.02
Dumas, Alexander , 149.15, 269.34-270.03, 365.16-17
Dumas, Général Alexandre, 149.15
dung beetles, 100.24
Durga, 90.31-34
Duse, Eleonora, 164.01
Duveen, Joseph, 4.16
, 350.03-04
Dying Gaul or Dying Gladiator, 275.12

Eagle, Bald, 133.2
Ea haere ia oe (Where Are You Going?), Paul Gauguin, 111.16-112.16
Eberth, Karl, 449.11
Echo azure butterfly (Celastrina ladon), 71.23
Echo Lake, California, 71.22-23
edelweiss, 7.30
Edward VII, King of England, 329.15-16, 352.27-353.02
Edward VIII, King of England, 341.21
eglantine (Rosa eglantera), 105.07
8 1/2, (poster), 169.15
Einstein, Albert, 18.12-13, 317.28-29, 339.04-09
elevated railway, 17.01, 329.14
Eliot, George, 35.17-18
Eliot, T.S., 5.19-20, 90.24-26, 403.04
Elizabeth II, Queen, 182.09
Elizabeth Arden, 420.32-33
Ellenborough,1st Earl of, 449.04-05,
Ellis, Havelock, 131.17
Ellison, Ralph, 203.21-23
elm, American, 53.34-54.01, 92.31-33
Elsinore (Kronborg castle), 343.29-30
Emmenthaler cheese, 191.28
Empire style armchair, 43.1
Emperor Pavel I of Russia, 43.16-19
Empress Josephine of France, 38.11, 239.33-34, 396.02
Enfants Terribles, Les, 198.26-29
epiglottis, 403.19-20
Erikson, Leif, 415.31
Ernst, Max, 426.15-16
Estotiland, 3.18
escritoire, 372.29
Eton College, Afternote Part 1, Ch.4, 347.16
Etruscan Dressing-Room, Osterley, by Robert Adams, 349.33-34
Eucalyptus microcorys, 63.07
Eugene Onegin, first edition, 4.22, 219.02, 366.11-13, 430.12
Eugene Onegin, Aleksandr Pushkin (sketch of Tatiana by Alexander Notbek), 11.02-12
Euler, Leonhard, 171.06-07
Euraphrates and Tigres, 78.05
Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber), 391.14-27
European bogberry (Oxycoccus palustris), 72.31
Eve and Adam,, Parmagianino, 12.30-13.05, 60.12-14, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 15

Excideuil chateau, 347.18

Famusov, 257.19-20
Fainzilberg, Ilya Il'f, 21.13-14
Fairbanks, Douglas, 14.34-15.01
Fall of Icarus, Pieter Brueghel the Elder , 81.33-82.03. 347.01-02,
Fallen Demon, Mikhail Vrubel 1902, 338.08-09
'false acacia', Black locust, (Robinia pseudoacacia), 268.27-29, 277.01-02
False Start (The) by Edgar Dégas, 278.23-24
Fanny Hill illustration by Édouard-Henri Avri, 220.21-22
Faraday, Michael, 17.09
farkleberries (Vaccinium arboreum), 299.02
Farman I aeroplane, 36.03-08
Farnese Palazzo, 149.25
Faulkner, William, 114.02-03, 371.15a
Fender's blue butterfly (Icaricia icarioides), (now Aricia icarioides), 94.07
Fernández, Juan "el Labrador", Four bunches of grapes, 46.05
Fet, Afanasy (Shenshin), 411.34-412.06,
Fifth Ave, New York, 103.29-30
Figaro, The Marriage of, 157.08
fir cone, 50.11-18
firecrest, common (Regulus ignicapillus), 71.20(b)
firefly, Photinus pryalis, 53.06
firefly, Photuris pennsylvanicus, 72.03-09, 173.20-30
Fitzgerald, Edward's version of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyám, 409.13-13
Fitzgerald, Scott, 224.05-06, 420.01-02
flag of the Russian Empire (1914-17), 231.26
flamingo, 116.11-12
flamingo croquet, illustration by Sir John Tenniel from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, 53.25-28
Flaubert's L'Education Sentimentale, 60.07, 307.23, 449.01-02
Fleabane (Pulicaria dysenterica), 156.02b
fleur-de-lys, 48.29
Flora Lapponica, Linnaeus, 43.04
Flora and Zephyr, by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 410.16-18,
Florian, Jean-Pierre, de, 342.31-33
flue pipe diagram, 110.24-25
Fly orchid, with wasp on lip, 102.01
football, American, 69.08-09
forced labour, White Sea-Baltic canal, 259.18-19
Forêt de Finges, 128.31
Forever Amber, 371.15-16
Forget-me-nots (Myosotis (palustris scorpiodides), 142.20-143.02
Fort Severn, 3.16-17
Four bunches of grapes, Fernández, Juan" el Labrador", 46.05
Fra Angelico, The Last Supper, 274.05
frambosia, tropical (bubas), 132.25
François le bossu by Sophie de Ségur, illustration by Émile Bayard, 114.01-02
Freeling, Nicholas, Double Barrel, 4.16b, 21.19-21, 222.16-17
Freud, Ernst, Belvedere Court apartments, 350.26-27
Freud, Sigmund, 27.09-10, 322.07-08, 338.16-17, 340.04, 363.06-07, 444.21-29
Friedrich, Caspar David
, 183.09-10
fritillary (Argynnis niobe) butterfly, 57.14-26
fritillary (Boloria freija), 148.09
fritillary (Boloria selene) butterfly, 57.14-26
fritillary (Speyeria) butterfly, 57.14-26
frog-faced footman, illustration by John Tenniel in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, 195.15-16, 248.21-33
frambosia, tropical, 132.25
Fur seal pups, 368.13-14

Gainsborough hat, 38.23
Gainsborough, Thomas, portrait of Sarah Siddons, 269.32
Galland, Antoine, 131.02
Gannibal, Abram Petrovich, 149.15
Gansevoort, General Peter, 3.15-21
Garbo, Greta, 165.03-04
Garbo, Greta, as Anna Christie (poster), 165.03-04, Aft. Part 1, Chapter 27
Garda, Lake, Italy; 178.18-179.02
Garda, Lake, Italy, map, 178.18-179.02
Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch, 5.10-11, Aft. Part 1, Ch 1, 60.15, Aft. Part 1, Ch 9, Aft. Part 1, Ch 11, Aft. Part 1, Ch 14, Aft. Part 1, Ch 15, Aft. Part 1, Ch 16, 103.13, Aft. Part 1, Ch 20, Forenote Part 1, Ch. 21, Aft Part 1, Ch. 21, Aft Part One, Chapter 31, Aft Part One, Chapter 32, Aft Part One, Chapter 38, Aft Part 2, Ch 2, Aft Part 2, Ch 3, 382.18, 436.28
Garden of Earthly Delights, left panel, by Hieronymus Bosch, Aft Part 1, Ch. 25, Aft Part 1, Ch. 36
Garden of Earthly Delights, centre panel, by Hieronymus Bosch, Aft. Part 1, Ch. 22, Aft. Part One, Ch 33, Aft. Part One, Ch. 34, Aft. Part 1, Ch. 36, 331.15-18, Aft. Part 2, Ch7.
Garden of Earthly Delights, right panel, by Hieronymus Bosch, Aft. Part 1, Ch. 22, Aft. Part 1, Ch. 36
Garden of Earthly Delights, outer panels, Creation, Aft. Pt 2, Ch 2
Garden of The Finzi-Continis,book cover , 274.09-10
gardens, suspended , 450.05-06
Gardone Riviera, on Lake Garda, Brescia, Italy, 152.31, 171.13-18, 178.18-179.02
Garrison, William Lloyd, 133.27
Gaspé, 136.13-14
Gauguin, Paul, Ea haere ia oe (Where Are You Going?), 111.16-112.16
Gauguin, Paul, Manao tupapau (The Spirit of the Dead Watches Over Her), 111.16-112.16
Gauguin, Paul Otahi (Alone), 121.09
Gauguin, Paul, Portrait de l'artiste au chapeau, 111.16-112.16
Gauguin, Paul, Teha'amana Has Many Parents, or The Ancestors of Teha'amana, 111.16-112.16
Gaulle, Charles, de , 341.14
Gentileschi, Artemisia, Susanna and the Elders, 351.32-352.01
Geneva, Lake, by Gustave Courbet , 152.34-153.01
Geneva, Lake, 449.05-08,
gentian, Spring (Gentiana verna), 8.12, 331.11-12, 440.26-28
gentian, Koch's (Gentiana acaulis), 8.05, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 8, 331.11-12, 440.26-28
George, Prince of Wales, 350.33-351.01
George III, King of England, 350.33-351.01
George IV, King of England, 350.33-351.01
George V, King of England, 118.28-31 , 456.01-02
George V Hotel
, Paris, 456.01-02
George VI, King of England, 341.03-06
Georgian tribesmen, 12.07b
Geranium nodosum, (Knotted Crane's Bill), 119.27, 125.27-30
German beaver, (nemetskiy bobr), 391.19-20
Ghirlandaio, Domenico, The Last Supper, 274.05
Gide, André, 270.24-25

Giant Skipper (Megathymus yuccae), 385.08
gig, Stanhope, 278.04
Gigandipus, footprint, 171.15
Gulf of Sidra or Sirte, 449.06
ginko (Ginkgo biloba), 7.27, 283.16-17, 299.22, 300.03
Girton College, 182.05-06
Gladstone, Sir Thomas, 403.06-07
Gladstone William Ewart, 403.06-07
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich c.1840 410.15
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 300.05, 309.03-04
Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Werther, 309.03-04
Gogol, Nikolai, 187.08, 240.21-22
Golden Ass, The, by Lucius Apuleius, Afternote Part 1 Ch. 10
Golden Globe Awards, 211-05
Golden Guineas, 1660-1685, 348.16
Golden Horde, map, 181.11
Gorguloff, Pavel, 341.13-14
grace hoops, 94.04-06
Graces, game of, 94.04-06
Grand Canyon, 171.04-05
Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov, 264.24-29
Grand Hotel Paris, 456.01-02
Granta, 181.01
Granta River, 351.05, 353.03-11
Grantchester, 181.01, 351.05
Grauman's Chinese Theater, 171.15
Graham Greene, 383.32
Grasse, 1911, 393.31
Great argus (Argusianus argus), 425.30
Great crested grebe, 387.15
Great Tobago, British Virgin Islands, 458.02-03
Griboedov, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 232.34-233.04, 308.04-07
Grigoryev, Apollon, drawing by Bruni 1846, 410.15
Grimm, the brothers, 341.23-24
Grisaille, Odalisque - by Ingres, 389.09 
Gritti, Palace Hôtel, 224.05-06,
Grombchevski, Bronislav Ludvigovich, 343.01
Grotesques by Gherardi, 400.08-18a
Gherardi, Cristofano di Guido, 400.08-18a,
grouse, hazel hen, (Tetrastes bonasia), 46.19, 254.12-13, 256.29-30,
grouse (Bonasa umbellus), American ruffed, 256.29-30; 258.29-30
Grzshmailo, Grum , 56.20-22
Guarini, Giovanni Battista, 274.03-04
gueridon, 372.30
guitar, Russian, seven stringed, 299.04-05, 409.08a, 413.04
Gulf of Mexica, map by Alonso Alvarez de Pineda, 241.26.27
Gulliver in Brobdingnag, 103.10-11
Gumilyov Nikolay, 23.29-32
Gurilev, Alexander, 412.20-23

ha-ha , 18.01b
hackney coach, 34.04-35.31, Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25, 187.10, 189.02-03
Hadji Murat, 171.16-17
Hairy alpenrose (Rhododendron hirsutum), 25.05
hairy caterpillar, (Cattleya Hawkmoth), 449.14-15
half-hipped gabled building, 350.33
Hals, Frans, René Descartes, 142.05-05
Hals, Frans, The Gypsy Girl, 103.27-28
Philippe Halsman, 426.15-16
handstand, Afternote, Part Oe, Ch. 30
Hanes brief advertisement, 58.10-12
Harding, Warren G., 14.21-23
Hardy, Thomas, 114.02-03
Harlequin by Paul Cézanne, 157.08
hat, tricorn, 35.28
hawfinch, 50.16(b), 399.29-30
hawkmoth (Sphingidae) and datura, 376.12-13
hawkmoth, (Agrius cingulatus) pink-spotted , 250.24
hawkmoth (Agrius convolvuli), 250.24
hawkmoth (Macroglossum stellatarum), 56.06-10
hawkmoth larva, Death’s-head, (Acherontia atropos), 56.06-10; 141.13-14; 411.27-28
hawkmoth caterpillar (Sphingidae), 141.13-14
hawkweed, Hieracium auricula, 7.25
hawkmoth caterpillar, Cattleya, 449.14-15,
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 393.11, 456.10
Haydn, Joseph, 42.33-34
hazel grouse or hen, (Tetrastes bonasia), 46.19, 254.12-13, 256.29-30, 258.29-30
Hecate, by William Blake, 394.02
Heidegger, Martin, 365.06-08
Hellaborine, White (Cephalanthera damasonium), 204.31
hemp (cannabis ), 122.05
Hefner, Hugh, 239.18
heliographic engraving, 399.16-17,
heliotrope (Heliotropium arborescens), 211-07
Henry Hudson River and bridge, 411.22
heretics, 132.26-30
Herzen, Alexander, 193.25-26
Hieracium auricula (hawkweed), 7.25
Hilversum town hall, 350.26-27
hippocampus, 91.26-27
Hirschfeld, Magnus, 131.17
Hitchcock, Alfred, 181.11-17, 351.26-28
Hitler, Adolf, 28.09, 341.20
Hobson, Thomas, 18.24
Ho Chi Minh, 341.15-16
Hogan's Alley comic stip, by Richard Outcault, 124.28-30
Höhensonne (ultraviolet) treatment, 132.11(b)
Hollow Walk, at Richmond Gardens, Kew, by Capability Brown, 33.30-31
Holly blue butterfly (Celastrina argiolus), 71.22-23
hoopoe (Upupa epops), 78.12-13
Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 63.18
horse-drawn calèche, 34.15, 78.26, 87.10-11, 187.10, 398.16-17, 408.16-17
horse-drawn trap, 34.05
horse-drawn victoria, 37.11
Hotei, 124.13
hound, Appenzeller, 22.22
House of Cards, Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin, 111.16-112.16
Houseman, Alfred, E., 23.22, 355.04
howling monkey, (Alouatta fusca clamitans), 64.12
Hubbard's Silk moth (Sphingicampa hubbardi), 376.12-13
Hugo, Victor, 133.12-13, 340.04
Humming bird hawkmoth, (Macroglossum stellatarum), 56.06-10
Hummingbird (Loddigesia mirabalis), 333.30-34, 419.22-26,
Hunt, William Holman, The Scapegoat, 378.11-12
hyacinth, 56.06-10
hydraulic elevator, 5.21
hydrofoil, Alexander Graham Bell, 3.10-11

Iberian peninsula, 12.07
Icaricia icarioides, (now Aricia icarioides), 94.07
Ichneumon fly, 56.19
Idylls of the King, (by Tennyson) illustratation by Gustave Doré, 146.26-33
Ingres, Odalisque (in Grisaille) - painting by Ingres, 389.09 
Io moth caterpillar (Lasiocampidae), 250.23
Iolas blue (Iolana iolas), 128.26-33
Iron Curtain, map, 181.11
Iron Maiden, 439.20-440.01,
Irving, Washington (1783-1859), 222.16-17
izba, 35.02, 87.10-11

jacaranda tree in bloom, 75.11, 409.08-09
jacaranda tree tops,
295.29, 324.01-04
James, Henry, 31.01-08, 383.32
James, William, Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30, 300.07, 416.16
Janizary, 396.06-07
jasmine, star (Trachelospermum jasminoides), 35.03, 123.08, 154.22-23, 299.22
Jerry can (German Wehrmacht-Einheitskanister 1943), 450.02-03
Jerusalem artichoke, 303.25
John Dory, 255.27
Johnson, Lady Bird, 38.09-11
Johnson, Lyndon B., 38.09-11
Jones, James, 330.01-03
Jonson, Ben, 172.01-04, 268.32-274.03
Josephine, Empress of France, 38.11, 239.33-34, 396.02

Joyce, James, 54.01-04
, 82.02-83-05, Afternote Part 1, Chapter 26, 191.19, 202.22-23, 293.31, 300.02, 330.01-03, 342.28-29
Judas tree (Cercis siliquastrum), 277.01-02,
Jung, Carl, 182.18-19, 344.19, 363.06-07
juniper berries, 243.28
Jurojin, god of longevity, by Morikuni Tachibana, 223.33

Kaibab plateau, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 15
Kaibab plateau, north rim, 29.10-11, 94.07
Kaibab or skybab squirrel (Sciurus aberti kaibabensis)
, 29.10-11, 94.07, 98.12, 399.05
, 90.31-34
Kama Sutra, 344.13-14
Kamadeva, 409.13-14
Kaluga, 4.03, 128.12-13, 139.09, 230.01-11, 236.01
kangaroo, 112.30-31
Kant, Immanuel, 365.01
Karaite woman, Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30
Karaite men in traditional dress, 319.20-21
karakul clothing, 183.29
Karamzin, Nikolay, 152.34-153.01; 421.08
Kachalov, Vasily Ivanovich, 233.10-11
Kataev, Evgeniy Petrovich, 21.13-14
Kaunda, Kenneth, 123.17-18
Kazbek, Mount, Caucasus, 171.10-13, 180.15-16
kegelkugel, or bowling ball, 261.16-29, 440.20-441.17, 440.33-34
Kennedy, Jackie, 38.09-11
Kenwood House, London, 349.30-31
Kertbeny, Károly Mária (1824-1882), aka Karl-Maria Kertbeny (Benkert), 131.17
kerosene lamp, 211.05-07, 226.08-15, 231.08-09
Kew, Hollow Walk at Richmond Gardens, by Capability Brown, 33.30-31
Khazar Khaganate, 650-850, 319-19-20
Kibo, Mt Kilimanjaro, 79.26
Kim Il-sung, 1950, 398.08
Kipling, Rudyard, 396.02
King Bird of Paradise, 410.08
King Edward VII, 1863, 329.15-16
King Edward VIII, 341.21
King George V, 118.28-31, 456.01-02
King George V hotel, Paris,  456.01-02
King George VI, 341.03-06
King Valdemar Atterdag, 368.19
kinglet, Regulus satrapa, 71.20(c)
Kingsley, Charles, The Water Babies, illustration from , 91.26-27
Kingston City Hall, 365.01
Klu Klux Klan meeting, 241.23-26
Knipper, Olga, 426.34
Knotted Crane's Bill geranium (Geranium nodosum), 119.27, 125.27-30
koala, 105.06-07
Konstantin Konstantinovich, Romanov, Grand Duke, 264.24-29
Korean War, 1950-1953, overview map, 316.08-11
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 131.17
Kremlin, the, Moscow, 227.11-12
Kubrick, Stanley, 201.18-19
kulaks, 377.28
Kurland, 18.03
Kuriles, 1803b
Kuznetsova, Maria Nikolaevna, 158.05-06
Kitezh, 5.09
Kravchenko, Victor, 181.11-17

Kronborg castle, (Elsinore), 343.29-30

Ladoga, 156.03
Ladoga, Lake, 4.04(a), 259.18-19

Ladora, 449.02-06
Lagomorpha, 433.18
Lisianky and Laysan Islands, 433.14-15,
Lady Amherst's pheasant, 37.28-29, Afternote Part 1 Ch. 5
, 253.09-11
Lady Chatterley's Lover, 220.21-22
Lady fern (Athyrium filix-foemina), 331.11-12
Lady's slipper orchid, (Cypripedium reginae), 193.13-16
Lady's slipper orchid (Paphiopedilum henryanum), 287.14, 289.03-06
Lallemand, Philippe, portrait of Charles Perrault, detail from, 282.01-02
Lamb, Charles
, 367.14
Lamb, Mary, 367.14
Lamprey, with his owner Sir William Morgan, at Newmarket, by John Wootton, 278.23-24
landau, 79.11, 84.28-86.14
Lane, Edward William, 131.02
landaulet, 150.16b
larches, 45.22, 129.03-14, 142.18, 231.06
larches in winter, 7.31-32
Larisch, Countess Marie, 261.16-22
Last Supper by Matteo Rosselli, 274.05
Last Supper and The Washing of Feet by Duccio, 274.05
Last Supper by Fra Angelico, 274.05
Last Supper by Domenico Ghirlandaio, 274.05
Last Supper by Pietro Perugino, 274.05
Last Supper by Jacopo Tintoretto, 274.05
Last Supper by Peter Paul Rubens, 274.05
Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, 274.05
Last Judgement, Hieronymus Bosch, 56.24-29, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 11, 331.15-18, 426.15-16
Laurier, Henri Charles Wilfrid, 261.26-27

Law, Edward, 1st Earl of Ellenborough, 449.04-05,
Lawrence, D.H., 220.21-22
Lawrence, Thomas portrai of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, 267.30-31
Le Bon,  Gustave, 456.05-06
L-disaster, 17.01, 329.14
Leicester Earl of, 186.12-13
Leigh, Augusta (née Byron), 224.33-34
Lemons,Oranges, Cup and Flower, Francisco de Zurbarán, 46.08-09
Leon, Juan Ponce de, map, 241.26-27
Leone, Sergio, 424.01-02
Lepontine Alps, 168.28
Leporello, from Don Giovanni, 157.08
leprosy, 132.26-30
Lermontov, Mikhail, portrait, 4.22, 171.04-05, 172.11-177.09, 180.15-22, 241.03-04, 310.26-29, 351.06
Lermontov, Mikhail's painting of Dagestan, 171.03-172.04
Lermontov, Mikhail, painting Demon and angel with Tamara's soul by Vrubel, 245.14
Lesbos (Mytilene), 165.02
Lewis, C.S. 340.04
Lewis, Wyndham, 191.9, 230.04
Libellula cyanea, dragonfly, 20.07 390.33-34
Liberace, 306.10
Lido, Paris, 350.26-27
Lifar Serge, 381.24-25,
Liffey river, near Kilbride, Co. Wicklow, 219.25-26
Liriodendron chinense tulip tree flowers, 68.11
Liriodendron tulipifera, tulip tree, 230.04, 283.01
Liriodendron tulipifera, tulip trees, 53.01-03, 72.17-18, 115.01-03, 397.11
Liriodendron tulipifera, tulip tree flower, 68.11, 400.24
Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis), 259.09-14
Lincoln, Abraham
, 18.12-13, 38.09-11
Lincoln, Mary Todd
, 38.09-11
Lincoln Park, 253.09
linden tree, 51.15-19
Lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), 256.31
Linnaeus, Carolus von, 43.04
Linnaeus, Flora Lapponica, 43.04
Lithospermum officinale (Common gromwell), 342.33-34
Little Miss Muffet, illustration by Arthur Rackham, 47.06-08
Little Red Riding Hood, illustration by Walter Crane, 191.10
Littré, Emile, 102.03, 139.25
loafers, 294.10
Loddiges, George, 419.24-25
Loddiges, Joachim Conrad, 419.24-25
Loèche, 128.31
Logogriph to Vera, from Nabokov, 222.10
Lolita, Jackson Country, 16.07
Lolita film poster, 203.25-26
Lorelei illustration, 56.18-20
lotus, East Indian, Nelumbo nucifera, 90.31-34
lotus, Tiger, Nymphaea lotus, 90.31-34
Louis XVI, 157.21-23, 341.09-11
louis d'or, 64.32-65.02

Loustalot, 184.18-20
Loustalot, fencing and boxing master, 81.23-24, 172.04-05
Louÿs, Pierre, 165.02, 194.27-28
Lovelace, Ada (née Byron), 224.33-34
Lowell, Amy, 456.14-18
Lowell, Robert, 3.04, 127.32-33, 456.14-18
Lucky Luke, 33.01
Luddites, 17.07-09
Luek, 128.31
Luga train station, 156.04-05
Lugano, city and location, 72.06-07, 202.10
Luger pistol, 307.03
Lumière, Auguste and Louis, 43.09, 399.18
Lutetia 17th C plan of Paris, 173.18-20
Lutetia, Hôtel, 173.18-20
Lutry, seen from Lake Léman, 351.04-05
Lycaeides argyrognomon, 339.29
Lycaeides melissa, 339.29
Lycaeides (Plebejus) idas sublivens, female, 171.19-20
lynx, 197.08-09
Lysenko, Trofim, 134.02-05

macchie, near the coast in Agriates, Corsica, 273.18, Afternote Part Two, Ch.11
Macroglossum stellatarum, 56.06-10
Mad Hatter's tea party, illustration by John Tenniel, from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, 222.16-17
Mademoiselle Miauton/'Mademoiselle O,' with VN and Sergey
, 77.17-19
Madison Avenue, NY, 243.30
Maeterlinck, Maurice, 164.28-165.02
Magic Carpet by Victor Vasnetsov, 1880, 44.23-31
magnolias, 258.14
Magritte, 426.15-16
Maharao Khengarji III, 356.17-18
maidenhair fern (Adiantum bellum), 299.33-34
Mailer, Norman, 261.16-29, 406.09-10, 424.01-02, 439.20-440.01, 440.24-25
Malheurs de Sophie, Les, Sophie de Ségur, 55.30-31, 80.13, 114.01-02
Malraux, André, 377.23-27
Man With a Guitar, Georges Braque, 304.30-31
Manao tupapau (The Spirit of the Dead Watches Over Her), Paul Gauguin, 111.16-112.16
Maniola jurtina in right panel of Garden of Earthly Delights, 436.30-32
mandala, Vajravali Series, 344.19
Mandelshtam, Osip, 3.04
Manet, Édouard, Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe, 29.07
Manhattan Island, 222.16-17
Manhattan Life Building, 5.21-22
Manitoba, 21.25-26
Man Ray, 426.15-16
Mann, Thomas
, 371.30-31, 403.05-07
Manor house, Chatsworth, 35.17-18
Mansfield Park by Jane Austen, sketches of Sotherton Court by VN, Forenote Part One, Ch. 6
Mantegna, Andrea, portrai of Carlo de’ Medici, 274.05
mantilla, 413.31
Marat, General Joachim, 171.16-18
Marat, Jean Paul, 171.16-18
Marat, death of, by David, 171.16-18
marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna), 420.25-27
marguerite, 89.03(b)
Marie de France, 157.18-34
Marie-Louise O'Murphy, Girl Reclining, by François Boucher, 43.03-06, 178.16
Marlboro cigarettes, 288.14-16
Marlborough, Duke of, 288.14-16
Marco Polo, 342.16-18
marsh herb (Acorus calamus), 216.34b
marsh marigold, (Caltha palustri), 63.21-23, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 20, 142.20-143.02, Afternote, Part One, Ch. 30, Afternote Part One, Ch. 35, 270.27-29, 300.04
marsh plant (Typha latifolia), 216.34a
marshmallow plant, common, 11.30-31
Marvell, Andrew, 65.08, Afternote Part 1, Chapter 26, 345.04-05
Mary Magdalene, Penitant, by Titian, 204.28-30
Marx, Karl, 365.16-17
Marx Aveling, Eleanor, 365.16-17
Masaccio, fresco showing Filippo Brunelleschi, 149.25
Masaccio fresco, Expulsion from Paradise, 97.18
mask, jewelled, 322.15-18
Masson, André, 426.15-16
mastaba, 91.04-08
Matheson, Richard, 340.13-19
Maugham, W. Somerset, 85.24
Maupassant, Guy de, 53.30-32, 63.14, 190.04-05, 197.01
Maximillian of Prittwitz and Gaffron, 57.05-06,
Mayne Reid, Captain , 28.21-22, 171.06-07b, 365.01

Meadow rbown butterfly (Maniola jurtina, female), 436.30-32
Melville, Jean-Paul, 198.26-29
Mercedes Benz W07, 257.03
mercury (use in treatment of syphilis), 16.25, 132.11
Medlar flower and fruit (Mespilus germanica), 319.15, 344.06-07
Memling, Hans, Portrait of a Man with a Pink, 378.23a
Merezhovski, Dmitri, 340.19-21
Mérimée, Prosper, portrait of character Carmen, 56.29-30
Mérimée, Prosper, watercolour of Carmen, 77.01-06
Mesopotamia, 91.22-23
Millais, John Everett, The Blind Girl, 131.34
Millais, John Everett, Ophelia, 64.27-30, Afternote Part One, Chapter 32
Miller, Henry, 136.30, 261.16-29, 286.01, 371.15, 440.33-34
Mimosa pudica, 308.20-21
mint, European (Satureia hortensis), 71.21
Miramas (Bouches Rouges-du-Rhône), 451.19-20
mirror orchid (Ophrys speculum), 99.25-26
Mississippi, map, 241.22-23
Mississippi River, 21.25
Mocuba district, Mozambique, 329.15
Moët, Jean Remi, 339.17
Molière, pseudonym of Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, 117.28-3, 169.19b
Monarch butterfly (Danaüs plexippuss), 158.11-15, Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25
Mondrian, untitled painting, 350.27-28
Mongols of the Golden Horde at the walls of Vladimir in 1238, 437.29-30,
Month in the Country, A, scene, Turgenev
, 233.10-11
Monolopia lacneolata, 373.10
Mont Dore, Le
, 386.18-19
Montreux, 153.15
Montreux Palace Hotel, 253.16
Moore, Thomas, 224.22-23
Moreau, Frédéric, 449.01-02
Moreau, Hégésippe, 239.19-20
Morpho helena, 222.01-119.07
Morpho peliedies, 222.01-119.07
Morris Mini-Minor, 147.12-13
Mother-of-Pearl, 78.30-31
Moses, 90.31-34
Moscow, Idaho, 429.11
Moscow Art Theatre, 233.10-11
Moscow Art Theatre, lobby, 233.10-11
Moscow's Boulevard Ring, 11.33
mosquito (Stegomyia aegypti (formerly Aedes aegypti), 73.12-14, 85.09-22
mosquito (Culex piipiens), 105.33-34,
moth caterpillar, Io (Lasiocampidae), 250.23
moth mullein, 55.03
Moulin Rouge, Paris, 350.26-27
Mount Wellington, 312.28
Mounties, Canadian, 21.26
Mourning doves, (Carolina pigeons) by John James Audubon, 47.18-19
mule, 457.04-05
Murat Hadji, 171.16-17
mushroom (Boletus edulis), 249.30-31
mushrooms, Chanterelle (Cantharelius cibarius), 212.20-21
mushrooms, pink, 203.02-03
Musset, Alfred de, 64.19, 224.05
Mussolini, Benito, 341.22
'Mutilation (The) of Uranus by Saturn' by Vasari and Gherardi, 400.08-18a
Muzhik sheepskin coat, 61.11-12
Mycalesis mineus pupa, 404.33
Mytilene, Lesbos, 165.02
myrhh (Commiphora abyssinica), 378.18
Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine, The, by Veronese, 418.29-31,

Nabokov, Ivan Alexandrovich, 3.15
Nabokov, Vladimir, aged 19, with his siblings and Box II, 61.04-06
Nabokov, Vladimir, in sailor suit, 78.24-25
Nabokov, Vladimir, in boxing gloves, 184.18-0,
Nabokov, Vladimir, holotype of Neonympha dorothea (now Cyllopsis pertepida dorothea), 94.07
Nabokov, Vladimir, "Playboy" bunny, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 15
Nabokov, Vladimir, sketch of petit-beurre, 48.27-28
Nabokov, Vladimir, sketches of Sotherton Court from Mansfield Park by Jane Austen, Forenote Part One, Ch. 6
Nabokov, Vladimir, with Mademoiselle Miauton and Sergey, 77.17-19
Nabokov, Vladimir Dmitrievich, 4.22. 185.24
Nabokovs', the, scrabble set, 222.12-223.03
Nabonidus, 158.13-15, Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25
Nabucco, by Giuseppe Verdi, libretto cover, 158.13-15, 269.34-270.03
Nakhimov, Pavel, 458.02-03
Napoleon Bonaparte, 171.16-18, 341.11-12
Napoleon III, Louis, 341.11-12
Nash, John, portrait, 350.33-351.01
Nash, John, "cottage orné", 350.33-351.01
Nash, John, Blaise Hamlet cottages, 350.33-351.01
Navrotsky, Alexander, 412.18-19
Nebuchadnezzar, 158.13-15, Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25
Nectar River, 339.19-20
Nelumbo nucifera, East Indian lotus, 90.31-34
Neonympha dorothea (now Cyllopsis pertepida dorothea) discovered by VN, 94.07
Nest Robber, Pieter Brueghel the Elder, 81.33-82.03, 347.01-02
Nestorov, Bartholomew Mikhail, Vision of Youth, 26.19
New Sheridan Hotel and Opera House, 322.11-12
New Yorker, cover 1E, 344.05
New Yorker, cover 30 May 1925, 445.29-30
Nice, 153.06-08
Nicot, Jean, 383.01-10
Nieuw Amsterdam, 222.16-17
Night Thoughts, Edward Young,, 183.09-10
nightingale, 50.16(b)
nigrofasciatu, Amatitlania (convict fish), 239.31
Nijinski, Vaslav, 199.15-16, 381.24-25, 430.12-13
Nord Express, 253.18
Northern Blue (Plebejus (Lycaeides) idas sublivens), female, 171.19-20
Northumberland, Earl of, 186.12-13
Notbek, sketch of Tatiana from Pushkin's Eugene Onegin, 11.02-1
Nuremberg, old castle, 439.20-440.01
Nuremberg Rally, 341.23-25
Nureyev, Rudolf, 181.11-17, 199.15-16
Nymph and Satyr, by Dosso Dossi, 141.18-19

oak, 51.15-19, 92.31-33, 455.22-23
Oak processionary caterpillar, (Thaumetopoea processionea), 449.14-19
oak tree, 51.15-19, 92.31-33, 192.08-09, 455.22-23
Odalisque, by Ingres, in Grisaille, 389.09
Ohrid, Lake, 399.32-34
Oka River, 65.11-13
okapi, 43.23
Okudzhava, Bulat, 412.24-26
Olcott, Chancey , 150.26
Olsen Charles, 134.33-34
One Thousand and One Nights, illustration by Sani ol-Molk, 131.02, 344.13-14
Onega, Lake, 399.32-34
O'Neill, Eugene, 165.03-04, 403.05-07, 429.15-22
onyx, 59.10, 249.24
Ophelia, by John Waterhouse, 63.26-27, 90.24-26
Ophelia, by John Everett Millais, 64.27-30, Afternote Part 1, Chapter 26, 199.26-29, Afternote Part One, Chapter 32, 217.03, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 35
orcas, 73.28-29
orchid, bog, 376.02-03
orchid, (Brassia (formerly Ada) aurantiaca), 324.01-04
orchid (Bulbophyllum psychoon), 288.25-27
orchid, butterfly (Oncidium luridum), 419.27-28
orchid, butterfly (Psychopsis (Oncidium) papillio), 7.33, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 16
orchid, Cattleya, Afternote Part 1, Ch 2
, Afternote Part 1, Ch 16
orchid, (Cattleya labiata), 56.05-10, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 16
orchid, cordula (Paphiopedilum purpuratum), 306.07-09
orchid, dragon's mouth, (Arethusa bulbosa) , 317.17
orchid, (Eleorchis japonica), 317.17
orchid, fly (Chiloglottis reflexa), with wasp on lip, 102.01
orchid, lady's slipper, (Cypripedium reginae), 193.13-16, 227.21-22, 419.28
orchid, lady's slipper (Paphiopedilum henryanum), 287.14, 289.03-06
orchid (Masdevalia caesia), 288.25-27
orchid (Mediocalcar decoratum), 245.10-11
orchid, mirror (Ophrys speculum), 99.25-26, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 16
orchid, (Oncidium cruentoides), 289.05-06
orchid, purple-lipped twayblade (Liparis liliifolia), 217.01, 227.21-22
orchid, slipper (Cypripedium calceolus), 125.30
orchid, slipper (Paphiopedilum venustum), 125.30, 163.18
orchid, spider (Arachnis breviscapa), 338.16-17
orchid, snake-mouth (Pogonia ophioglossoides, Afternote.Part 1, Ch. 16, 227.27, 288.31-32; 317.17
orchid, (Vanda lissochiloides), 323.20
orchid, woodcook (Ophrys scolopax), 31.17-32.12, 101.16-17, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 16
Orczy, Baroness Emma, 6.22-23
organ pipes, 110.24-25
Orgyia definita caterpillar, 55.07-09
Orgyia pseudotsugata pupa, 56.16-57.02

Orient Express, 252.02, 345.27
Orwell George, 296.21-12, 316.08-11
Oryx (Oryx beisa beisa), 43.22
Osage Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix phaeogaster) , 406.13
Osborne, John, 107.25-26
Otahi (Alone), Paul Gauguin, 121.09
Ottoman Empire, 19.34-20.01
Outcault, Richard , Hogan's Alley comic stip, 124.28-30
Outcault, Richard, The Yellow Kid comics
, 124.28-30
Outcault, Richard , Yellow Kid cartoon in New York Journal
, 124.28-30
owl, Boreal (Aegolius funereus), 148.09
Oxycoccus palustris (European bogberry), 72.31
oystering, 68.19

Painted Desert in Arizona, 424.03-04
Palatka, Putnam county, Florida, 345.18
Palazzo Farnese, 149.25
Palermo, Sicily, 351.06
Panina, Varvara, 410.13,
Pankejeff, Sergei,
panpipes, 390.25
panpipes, with styre (Pan) and Daphnis, 110.24-25
pansy (Viola tricolor), 304.32-33
pantalets, 95.14, 378.23
panther, 73.28
Panza, Sancho 157.08,
Papageno, from The Magic Flute, 157.08
Paphos, 368.04
Parable of the Blind Leading the Blind, Pieter Brueghel the Elder, 81.33-82.03
Paris, 17th C plan of, 173.18-20
Parkinson, Sydney, drawing of Banksia integrifolia, 63.05-06
Parmagianino, Adam and Eve, 12.30-13.05, 60.12-14, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 15
Parmagianino, preparatory sketch of Adam, 12.30-13.05, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 5, 322.19-323.02
Parnassius smintheus, (Rocky mountain parnassian), 310.16-19
Parnassius stubbenorfi bodemegeri, 85.27-30
Parnassius stubbenorfi citrinarius, 85.27-30
Purple Emperor butterfly (Apatura iris), 400.08-09
Parure, La, title page, and cover by Gil Blas, 63.14, 79.14-16, 83.07, 142.02-03, 194.19-20, 197.01, 270.18
Pascal, Blaise, 71.16
Pasternak, Boris, 53.22-24, 241.03-04
Pastore Fido, Il, by Giovanni Battista Guarini, 274.03-04
Patriarch Pimen I, 399.02-04
paulownia blossoms, 43.16-19, 373.10-11
paulownia leaves, 43.16-19, 68.11(b), 115.02
paulownia tree (Paulownia tomentosa), 43.16-19
Pavel I, Emperor of Russia, 43.16-19
peaches, autumn red (Prunus persica), 198.10-11
peacock, displaying, Afternote, Part One, Ch. 30
Peacock, Thomas Love, 145.33-34
Peacock butterfly (Inachis io), 400.08-18a
Peacock moth, (Saturnia pyri), 400.08-18
Peacock moth antennai, 400.08-18a
Peacock moth caterpillar (Saturnia pyri), 400.08-18
Pear Peacock moth paintings, from Palacio Vecchio, 400.08-18a
Peacock moths "in copula", 400.08-18a
Peale, Norman Vincent, 124.20-21
peanut bush, 11.30-31
Peasant Dance, Pieter Brueghel the Elder, 81.33-82.03, 401.26-27
Peasant Wedding Dance, Pieter Bruegel the Younger
, 401.26-27
peat-bog digger, 49.15-16

Pechenegs, 79.20
Pelargonium graveolens,(Rose Geranium), 119.27
Pelecystola nearctica, 141.14
pembroke table, 288.06-07
peony, 51.30, 77.06-07
Perfumed Garden, The, cover, 130.14, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 21, 348.08-16, 353.28-29, 375.23
Perkins, Carl, 306.10
Perm, 429.05
Peri, 19.21, 320.19
Périgord truffle (Tuber melanosporum), 251.18-19
Perrault, Charles, 'Cendrillon' from Les Contes des Fées, illustrated by Gustave Doré, 49.04-06, 114-16-17, 242.06-08
Perrault, Charles, illustration of Cinderella, 191.10
Pershing, General John J. ('Black Jack') , 24.01
Persian lilac, Syringa persica, 36.20
Perugino, Pietro, The Last Supper, 274.05
Perrault, Charles, detail from a portrait of, by Philippe Lallemand, 282.01-02
Pétain, Philippe, Marshal, 341.21-22
Peter-and-Paul Fortress, 3.15
Peter the Great, by Valentin Serov, 212.29
Peterson, Roger Tory, 258.29-30
petit-beurre, drawn by VN, 48.27-28
petit-beurre biscuit, 210.12
Pfynwald, the, 128.31
Phantom orchid, (Cephalanthera austinae), 196.04
pheasant, Lady Amherst's, 37.28-29, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 5
Philby, Kim, 396.02
phoenix, 26.28
Photinus pryalis firefly, 53.06
photogram, by Thomas Wedgewood, 399.16-17
photophone, 3.10-11, 83.34
Photuris pennsylvanicus firefly, 72.03-09, 173.29-30
Piave, Francesco Maria, - 1855 title page of libretto for Verdi's La Traviata, 269.34-270.03
picture hat (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Le Divan Japonais), Afternote Part 1, Ch. 5, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 14, 103.21-104.02, 307.16-22
Pierrot by Antoine Watteau, 282.01-02
pigeons, Carolina, (Mourning doves), by John James Audubon, 47.18-19
pilaster, 89.13
pillars on a plantation home, Alabama, 398.17-18

pine starwort (Ionactis linariifolia), 82.09-19, 401.13
Pineda, Alonso Alvarez de, 241.26.27
Pineda, Alonso Alvarex de, map of Gulf of Mexico, 241.26-27
pink mushrooms, 203.02-03, 228.26
piqué cloth, 124.27
Pisang tree and flower (Musa paradisiaca), 317.08-09, 333.02
Pitt, William the Younger , 453.05-06,
Pizarro, Francisco, 341.20
planchette, 225.32-34
Plebejus (Lycaeides) idas sublivens, female, 171.19-20,
Plume moth (Buckleria vanderwolfi), 141.14
Plumtree's Potted Meat, 81.10
Plunket, Oliver, 172.18
Plunket, William, 172.18
plus fours, 275.02
Poe, Edgar Allen, 4.24, 160.02
Pogonia (Pogonia ophioglossoides), Afternote Part 1, Ch. 16, 227.27, 288.31-32, 297.26
Poiré, Emmanuel, 393.15
Ponsonby, Baron, 330.18-19
Ponsonby, Sir Vere Brabazan, ninth Earl of Bessborough, 330.18-19
Pope, Alexander, by Michael Dahl, 274.27-28
Poupart's (or the inguinal) ligament, 135.20-33
polecat, European (Mustela putorius), 403.03, 420.24
polecat, marbled (Vormela peregusna), 420.25-27
Polo, Marco, 342.16-18
Polyphemus, 126.17-18
Popper, Sir Karl, 373.17-33
poppies, field of, 128.24, 299.02
poppy, 77.06-07
Poquelin, Jean-Baptiste, known as Molière, 117.28-31, 169.19b
Porter, Cole, 306.13
Portrait de l'artiste au chapeau, by Paul Gauguin, 111.16-112.16
Portrait of a Man with a Pink, by Hans Memling, 378.23a
Portrait of a Woman with a Pink Carnation, by Rembrandt, 378.23a
poslednee tango, 185.17-22,
Pound, Ezra, 349.23-29
Prairie violet (Viola pedatifida), 57.17-18
Primavera stabiae, Afternote Part 1, Ch.1
primrose (Primula veris), 63.23-24
Prince and the Pauper (The) by Mark Twain, cover of first edition, 281.32-34
Princes Margaret, 146.26-33
privet (Ligustrum vulgare), 208.33
profiterole, cream puff, 260.20-23
Proust, Marcel, 9.18-29, 142.05-05, 456.27-28
Pseudophilotes abencerragus, 105.33-34, 342.31-33
psoriasis, 132.31-32
pterion, 445.11-12
Pulkovo, 239.12
puma, 73.28
pupa, Catocala sponsa, 56.16-57.02
pupa, Mycalesis mineus, 404.33
pupa, Nymphalis polychloros, 56.16-57.02
pupa, Orgyia pseudotsugata, 56.16-57.02
Purple-lipped twayblade orchid, (Liparis liliifolia), 217.01
Pushkin, Alexander, 3.01-04, 175.30-31, 232.34-233.04, 310.26-29
Pushkin, Alexander, Eugene Onegin, first book edition 1833, 219.02, 366.11-13
Pushkin, Alexander, illus. of Tatiania (EO). by Notbek, 11.02-12
Pushkin, Alexander, The Stone Guest by Ilja Jefimowitsch Repin, 111.31-34
Puss moth caterpillar, 55.18, 98.02, Afternote Part 1 Ch. 8, Afternote Part 1 Ch. 9

Queen Elizabeth II, 182.09
Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2), 342.23-25
Queen Victoria, 1887, 329.15-16, 352.27-353.02
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 83.07
Quelques Fleurs, 26.12
Queneau, Raymond, 242.18
quill pen, 11.06-07
Quisiana Restaurant, 304.06,

Rabelais, François, 18.23-24, 136.28
racemosa (Padus racemosa), 299.04-05, 324.01-04, 409.09, 454.22-26
Racine, Jean-Baptist, 169.19b, 231.30-31
Rachmaninof, Sergei, 197.13-14
Rackham, Arthur, illustration of Little Miss Muffet, 47.06-08
Rackman, Arthur, illustrations for Rhinegold and the Valkyries, 172.04
radio, box crystal, 81.12-14
Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel, 306.07-09
Ragusa Ibla, Sicily, 394.15-16
railway, elevated, 17.01
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 363.25-26
Rameses III, statues at Kamak, 117.06-07
Ramsey, Frank, 410.17-18
razorback hog, 191.27
Red Admiral butterly (Vaness atalanta), 158.11-15, 400.08-18a
red bolete, Boletus auratiacus, 119.25, 405.25-26
Red wattlebird (Anthochaera carunculata), 401.06
redwood, giant (Sequoiadendron giganteum), 81.20-21
Regulus satrapa, 'Sitka' kinglet, 71.20(c)
Rembrand van Rijn, Portrait of a Woman with a Pink Carnation, 378.23a
Rembrandt van Rijn, Susanna and the Elders, 141.22-25
Réaumur, René-Antoine Ferchault de, 143.33-144.01
Repin, Ilja Jefimowitsch, The Stone Guest (Pushkin), 111.31-34
Repin, Ilya, portrait of Rimsky Korsakov, 5.09
Repnin Nikolai Vasilyevich, 128.09-10
reversed corolla, 259.32
Rhodes, Cecil, 341.06-07
Richard I the Lionheart, 259.26-28
Richardson, Dorothy, 300.07
Richardson, Samuel, Afternote Part 1, Chapter 26
Richmond Gardens, Kew, Hollow Walk by Capability Brown, 33.30-31
Riefenstahl, Leni, 341.23-25
Rimbaud, Arthur, 64.15-65.02, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 23, 161.24-26, 164.28-165.02, Afternote Part 1, Chapter 26, 217.28-218.04, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 35, 331.15-18
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Andreyevich, by Ilya Repin, 5.09
Riou, Édouard, Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30, 220.18
Ripley, Robert, 317.28-29
Ritz Hotel, Paris, 224.05-06,
Ritz, César , 224.05-06,
Rob Roy canoe, 116.16
Robbe-Grillet, Alain, 344.08-10, 382.18
Robin Hood, 128.13-14
Rockies, mountain range, 171.03-172.04
Rodker, John, 230.04
Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost, 257.03
Rokeby Venus, The, by Diego Velásquez, 4.16(b)
Roman Vergil eclogues, 72.15
Romanov, Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich, 264.24-29
Rorschach ink blot, 8.07-09
Rosa eglantera, eglantine, 105.07
Rose Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), 119.27
Rosselli, Matteo, The Last Supper, 274.05
Rostand, Edmond, 29.20-21
Rostov Oblast, Russia, 339.23-24
Rostov on the Don, map, 232.27
Rotterdam, de Bijenkorf, 350.27-28
Rubaiyat (The) of Omar Khayyám, 409.13-13
Rubens, Peter Paul, The Last Supper, 274.05
Rubens, Peter Paul, The Three Crosses, 91.04-08
Rue de Saïgon, Paris, 435.05-06

Rubinstein, Anton, 4.22
Rugby School, 1850s, 358.15-17
runabout, 35.04, 79.03, 115.26, 156.19, Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25, 187.10, 189.02-03, 257.14-18
Russell, Bertrand, 349.23-29
Russian seven-stringed guitar, 299.04-05, 409.08a, 413.04
Russian peasant dress, 21.26

Rutherford, Dame Margaret, 143.33

Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 136.29(c)
Sacred and Profane Love by Titian, 141.17
Sade, Marquis de, 136.29(b)
saffian leather, 223.29, 305.32-33
Saibling (Salvelinus alpinus), 270.21
Saïgon, Rue de, Paris, 453.05-06
sailor suit (VN), 78.24-25
St Basil's, Moscow, 91.04-08
St George's emblem, 19.10
St Malô, 81.14
St. Mary Magdalen, by Titian. 141.17
St. Thérèse of Lisieux, 340.19-21
Salisbury, Richard, 300.06
Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 107.19
samovar, 11.28-29, 89.11-12
samoyed, 104.04
Samuelson, Ralph, 116.15
San Fernando valley, 333.21
Sander lucioperca, 254.12
Sander vitreus,Walleye, 255.26-27
Santiago de Cuba, 433.09-10
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 270.24-25, 365.06-08
satyr (Pan) with panpipes and Daphnis, 110.24-25
Satyrium nepalense, 402.01-02
Scapegoat, The, William Holman Hunt, 378.11-12
scarab, 100.24
Scex/Sex Rouge, Mt., 26.01
Scheherazade, 1910 Set and costume design by Léon Bakst, 217.26-27, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 35
Schmaltz, Constantin Samuel Rafinesque-, 163.18
Scots Pine plantation, (Pinus silvestsris), 393.16-17
Scott, Sir Walter, 146.26-33, 240.21
Scott, Winfield, 10.09
Scud clouds, 360.33
sea otter, (Enhydra lutris), 391.14-27, 413.31
sea squirts (Rhopalaea crassa), 275.25
Seagull, The, Chekhov reading, 233.11, 426.34
Sealyham terrier , 211.01
Sebastapol, the seige of , 181.13-14
Ségur, Sophie de, 55.30-31
Ségur, Sophie de, François le bossu, illustration by Émile Bayard, 114.01-02
Ségur, Sophie de, illustration for Les Petites Filles modèles in Bibliothèque rose illustrée, 114.01-02
Ségur, Sophie de, Les malheurs de Sophie, 55.30-31, 80.13, 114.01-02
Seitz, Adalbert, 230.12-15
Self-portrait, by Osip Mandelshtam, 3.04
Self-portrait, by Rembrandt van Rijn, 103.27-28
Self-portrait as Bacchus by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, 140.15-22
Self-portrait with Saskia, by Rembrandt van Rijn, 103.27-28
Seneca and Socrates, 355.29-30
Sidra or Sirte, 449.06
Sergius, Father, 429.03-05
Serov, Valentine, painting of Peter the Great, 212.09
serratus (greater), 313.01-02, 331.06-08
Serromyia femorata, 135.20-33, 416.08-09ß
Sèvres porcelain
, 80.13
Sexual Life of our Time (The), by Iwan Bloch (cover), 131.17
Seymour, James, The Duke of Devonshire's Flying Childers
, 78.23-24
Shakespeare, William, 73.05-06, 426.32
shagreen, 96.16
Shark moth caterpillar, 55.02-03
sharavary, 11.28-29
Shatt al Arab, river, 78.05, 91.26-27, 94.01
Shaw, Bernard
, 427.07
Sheen, Fulton J., 124.20-21
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 145.33-34
Shetland pony
, 43.29-31
Ship of Fools, by Hieronymous Bosch, 331.15-18, 433.23-34
Shiva, 90.31-34
Siddons, Sarah, by Thomas Gainsborough, 269.32
Sidney, Sir Philip, 156.02
sign of the cross, three fingers, 259.14-18
sign of the cross, two fingers, 259.14-18
Silk moth, Hubbard's (Sphingicampa hubbardi), 376.12-13
Sillitoe, Alan, 107.25-26
Sinclair, May, 300.07
'Sitka' kinglet, Regulus satrapa, 71.20(c)
Skinner's Balsam, 308.12
Skipper, Giant (Megathymus yuccae), 385.08
Skye terrier, 211.01
slime mould, 419.33
slipper orchid (Cypripedium calceolus) , 125.30
Small or Cabbage white (Pieris rapae), 128.26-33
Smith James Edward, 300.06
snake, Osage Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix phaeogaster) , 406.13
snakeroot, Virginia (Aristolochia serpentaria), 246.32-247.02
Snowdon, Lord, 330.19-20
Socrates and Seneca, 355.29-30
song thrush (Turdus philomelos), 47.16-18, 191.30
Sotherton Court from Mansfield Park by Jane Austen, sketches by VN, Forenote Part 1, Ch. 6, 231.06-07
South American aqatic rodent (Myocastor coypus), 391.19
Southern Flannel moth (Megalophge opercularis), 433.04-05
Soviet Union, map, 341.16-18
Spanish Fly, (Lytta vesicatoria, Meloidae), 410.06
Spanish Inquisition, 132.26-30
sparver, 312.07
Speke and Burton expeditions, 120.03-04
Speke, John Hanning, 120.03-04
Spenser, Edmund, 105.07, 215.09-218.34, 418.26
Speyeria fritillary butterfly, 57.14-26
Sphingid (hawkmoth) larva, 56.06-10
Spider orchid (Arachnis breviscapa), 338.16-17,
spiraea, 324.04
spiraea beauverdiana, 390.10-11
spire, 91.04-08
spring gentian, Gentiana verna, 8.12
Stabiae, 8.31, Afternote Part 1, Ch.1, 113.21-22, 354.18
stag beetle, Afternote, Part One, Ch.30
Stalin, Joseph, 259.28-29, 341.15
stamnos, 50.12
Stanhope, Philip Dormer, 4th Earl of Chesterfield, 174.34-175.01
Stanislavsky, Konstantin, portrait by Serov, 63.05-06
Stanislavski, Konstantin Sergeevich, 233.11-12, 333.12-13
Stanislavski as Vershinin in The Three Sisters, 235.14-18
Stanley, Henry Morton, 120.03-04
Stanley's discovery of Livingstone, illustration, 151.31-152-01
starlings, 380.20
Staunton Chess Set, 223.27
Steen, Jan, Self Portrait as a Lutenist, 103.27-28
John Steinbeck, 1963, 403.04
Stendhal, (Henri Beyle), 3.09
Still Life with Compote and Glass, Pablo Picasso, 304.30-31
Still-Life with Fruit and Shellfish, Jan van Kessel, 111.18-20
Stone Guest, The (Pushkin) illustration by Ilja Jefimowitsch Repin, Afternote Part 1 Chapter 2, 111.31-34, 443.28-31
strawberries, hautbois (Fragaria moschata (elatior)), 47.06-15
strawberries, garden (Fragaria ananassa), 47.06-15
Stuart, Gilbert, unfinished painting of George Washington, 81.20-21
sullow, 92.19
Summer savory or European mint (Satureia hortensis), 71.21
sunbird, Malachite (Nectarinia famosa), 333.30-31
Superb bird of paradise, male (Lophorina superba), 410.08
Superb bird of paradise, male, with Bower bird, 410.08
sur-royal antlers, 4.11
Susanna and the Elders by Artemisia Gentileschi, 351.32-352.01
Susanna and the Elders, by Rembrandt van Rijn, 141.22-25
suspended gardens, 450.05-06
Sustermans, Justus, portrait of Vladimir Christian of Denmark, 382.33-383.03
swallows, 87.15, 139.02
Swallowtail butterfly (Papilio machaon), 393.33
Sweet-flags, marsh herb (Acorus calamus), 216.34b
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 367.14,
Syphilis before and after treatment, 16.25, 132.11
Syringa persica, Persian lilac, 36.20
304.30-31, Still Life with Compote and Glass, Pablo Picasso

Tabor, Mt, 3.04
Taine, Hippolyte,
Talon trouser fastzener advertisement, 58.10-12
Tamerlane or Timur, 268.01-02
tango dancers, 185.14
, 31.14-15
Tappertit, Simon, 304.32,
Tarentum, 82.09-10
Tartar intellectuals, 436.10-11
Tartary, 18.02-03, 230.07, 341.19, 345.17
Tasman, Abel by Jacob Cuyp, 377.28a
Tatiana from Pushkin's Eugene Onegin, 11.02-12
Tattersall's, 278.23
Taylor, Jeremy, by Pierre Lombard, 129.19-20
Teha'amana Has Many Parents, or The Ancestors of Teha'amana, Paul Gauguin, 111.16-112.16
telega, 115.31
telephone, early, 23.09
Telluride, Colorado, 171.19-20
Tenniel, Sir John drawing of a card figure, in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, 226.10-12
Tenniel, Sir John, drawing of flamingo croquet in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, 53.25-28
Tenniel, Sir John, drawing of a frog-faced footman in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
, 195.15-16
Tenniel, Sir John, drawing of the Mad Hatter's tea party in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, 222.16-17
Tenniel, Sir John, self portrait, 195.15-16

Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 23.22, 145.18-19
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, illustratation by Gustave Doré of Idylls of the King, 146.26-33
Terme Segestane, 351.05-06
terrier, Sealyham, 211.0
terrier, Skye, 211.0
Terry, Dame Ellen, 143.33
Thackeray, William Makepeace, steel engraving, 274.09-10
Thalamus, 361.02
thatched cottage, England, 331.23
Thirty-Nine Steps, John Buchan, 302.28
Thaumetopoea processionea, Oak processionary caterpillar
, 449.14-19
Thompson, George, 133.27
Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium) 3.09
Thorndike, Dame Sybil, 143.33
Thousand and One Nights, The, illustration by Sani ol-Molk, 131.02
Three Crosses, Peter Paul Rubens, 91.04-08
Three Graces, fresco, 354.18
Three Sisters, front cover, 246.13, 333.10-12, 426.34
thrush, song, (Turdus philomelos), 47.16-18, 191.30
Tigres and Euraphrates, 78.05, 91.26-27, 94.01
Timur, or Tamerlane, 268.01-02
Tintoretto, Jacopo, The Last Supper, 274.05
Tiny Bluets (Houstonia pusilla), 128.24
Titian, Bacchanal of the Andrian, 141.17
Titian, Danae, 418.29-31
Titian, Penitant Mary Magdalene, 204.28-30
Titian, Sacred and Profane Love, 141.17
Titian, St. Mary Magdalen. 141.17
Titian, Venus of Urbino, 141.17, 418.29-31
tokay, 154.31
Tolstoy, Aleksey Konstantinovich, 412.14-15,
Tolstoy, Lev
, 3.01-06, 197.03, 232.11-12, 348.06-08
Tolstoy, Lev, in peasant dress, 171.15, 240.18-19, 310.26-29, 319.29
Tolstoya, Sophia, 240.18-1
Tomb of Nakht, 449.02-03
Torbole, 152.32-33
Torchère, 382.24
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, Le Divan Japonais, (picture hat), Afternote Part 1, Ch. 5, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 14, 103.21-104.02, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 17, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 19, 169.24-27, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 27, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 36
The Tower of Babel, Brueghel, Pieter, 347.01-02
trap, horse-drawn
, 34.05
Trapeze (film) poster, 51.22-23
Traviata (La),1855 title page of libretto, 269.34-270.03
Très riches heures du Duc de Berry (May), 436.28
tricorn hat, 35.28
Trieste, 341.19
Trinity College, Cambridge, Great Court, 173.24
Triolet, Elsa , 61.10

triple contrabass viol, 383.29-30
Trollope, Anthony, 35.17-18
Trotsky, Leon, 445.31-32,
Tsitsiker, 429.04, 437.19-20
tulip tree flowers (Liriodendron chinense), 68.11
tulip tree flowers (Liriodendron tulipifera), 68.11, 400.24
tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera), 230.04, 283.01
tulip trees (Liriodendron tulipifera), 53.01-03, 72.17-18, 115.01-03, 397.11
Turgenev, Ivan, 3.03, 31.07, 43.33, 131.24-26, 240.21-22, 309.16-17, 310.26-29
Turgenev, Ivan, scene from A Month in the Country, 233.10-11
Tutankhamun's tomb scene, 353.17a
twenty-five ruble note, 12.0
Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Seas, 331.15-18
Tyomkin, Prince Grigoriy, 182.14-15

Typescript, detail from p.306 of Ada
Tyutchev, Fyodor by Stepan Aleksandrovsky, 268.09-10
Twain, Mark, photo portrait, 281.32-34
Twain, Mark, cover of first edition of The Prince and the Pauper, 281.32-34
Tzara, Tristan, 350.20a

Ukraine, map of region, 232.27
Uncle Sam poster, 12.12-13
Universalis Cosmographia, 1507, 43.26-27
Updike, John, 132.05-07
Ur, canton, 193.25-26
ursine howler, (Alouatta fusca clamitans), 64.12

US map, 21.18-19

Valentino, Rudoph, 358.12
Valkyries, Ride of the, 172.02-04
Vanda lissonchiloides, 323.20
Vansittart, Robert Gilbert 1st Baron Vansittart
, 146.11
Vanvitelli, Luigi, 147.17
Varangian Guard Warrior, 436.10-11, 452.03
Vasari, Giorgio, 400.08-18a
Vasco da Gama, 181.03-185.15
Vasnetsov, Victor, Magic Carpet, 1880, 44.23-31
van Kessel, Jan, Still-Life with Fruit and Shellfish, 111.18-20
van Rijn, Rembrandt, Self-portrait, 103.27-28
van Rijn, Rembrant, Self-portrait with Saskia, 103.27-28
Vecchio, Palma, A Blonde Woman, 141.18-19
Vecchio, Palma, Diana and Callisto, 141.17-18
Velásquez, Diego, The Rokeby Venus, 4.16(b)
Vence, in the Maritime Alps, France, 348.07
Vengerov, Semyon Afanasievich, 259.20-22
Venus and Cupid on dolphins, 416.19-20
Venus Callipygean, 348.09-10
Venus of Urbino, by Titian, 141.17, 418.29-31
Venus, Satyr and Cupid, Bronzino, 32.27-28, 146.11, 348.23-28, 413.13-14
veranda, Russia, pre-1917, 324.01-04,
Verdi, Giuseppe,158.13-15, 269.34-270.03
Verdi, Giuseppe, Nabucco's libretto cover, 158.13-15, 269.34-270.03
Verdi, Giuseppe, 1855 title page of libretto for La Traviata, 269.34-270.03
Vere, Edward de, Earl of Oxford, 200.07
Verlaine, Paul, 291.14-15, 411.11-12
Verne, Jules, portrait, 5.23-7.05
Verne, Jules, 5.23-7.05, Afternote, Part One, Ch.30, 220.18
Verne, Jules, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas, 331.15-15
Veronese, The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine, 418.29-31
Vevey, 153.15
Viceroy butterfly (Limenitis (Basilarchia) archippus), 158.11-15, Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25
victoria, horse-drawn carriage, 37.1, 278.20
Victoria Island, 404.29
Victoria, Queen, 1887, 329.15-16
Viedma, Patagonia, 345.18-19
Villa Rothschild, 352.28
Vinland, 18.02-03, Afternote, Part One, Ch.30, 415.31
viol, triple contrabass, 383.29-30
Viola da Gamba, 181.03-186.15
Viola palustris,
Viola pedata,
Viola pedatifida
, Prairie violet, 57.17-18
Viola tricolor, 304.32-33
violets (sp.Violaceae), 125.27-30,
Virgil, Roman Vergil eclogues, 72.15
Virginia snakeroot (Aristolochia serpentaria), 246.32-247.02
Vision of Youth, by Bartholomew Mikhail Nestorov, 26.19
Vishnu, 90.31-34
Viskovatov, Pavel Aleksandrovitš, 4.22
Vrubel, Mikhail, Demon and angel with Tamara's soul, 245.14
Vrubel, Mikhai, Demon seated in a Garden, 180.15-22

Vrubel, Mikhail, self-portrait, 4.22
Vrubel, Mikhail, Six-winged Seraph, 180.15-22

Vrubel, Mikhail, The Fallen Demon, 338.08-09
Vyazemsky, Prince Pyotr, Andreyevich, 3.10

Wagner, Richard, 172.01-04
Waldseemüller, Martin, 43.26-27
Walleye (Sander vitreus), 255.26-27
Washington, George, unfinished painting by Gilbert Stuart, 81.20-21, 319.13
wasps on orchid lips (Chiloglottis reflexa and fly orchid), 102.01
Water Babies, by Charles Kingsley, illustration from , 91.26-27
Waterhouse, John, Ophelia, 63.26-27
waterskiing, 116.15
Watteau, Antoine, Pierrot, 282.01-02
We (English translation 1924), 338.09-11
Wedding Dance in the Open Air, Pieter Brueghel the Elder, 81.33-82.03
Wedgewood, Thomas, photogram, 399.16-17
Weeping Atlas Cedar (Cedrus libani atlantica), 204.17, 211.01, 221.07
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar (Cedrus Atlantica 'Glauca Pendula'), 115.01-03
Wegner, Alfred
, 345.17
Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington, 81.20-21, 267.30-31, 319.13
Wellington, Duke of, 81.20-21, 267.30-31, 319.13
Wellinton, Mt, 312.28, 319.13
Wells, H. G., Forenote Part One, Ch.3, 19.31-32, 71.05, 91.02, 118.16, 133.02-03, 203.21-23, 338.08-09, 343.33, 373.23
West Point football team, 69.09-10,
Westermarck, Edward, 54.03-04

White Sea-Baltic canal, forced labour, 259.18-19
Whitehorse, Yukon, 11.25, 236.02-03
Wicklow county, 103.23-24
Wicklow town, 103.23-24
Wilde. Oscar, 306.07
willow, weeping (Salix babylonica), 64.27-30
willow, Golden weeping (Salix alba Morton), 198.11-12
Wilson City, N.C., 224.16
Wilson, Colin, 107.25-26
Wilson, Edmund, 3.04, 224.16
Wilson, Woodrow, 14.21-23
Windsor Castle, 182.09
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 373.17-33
Wodehouse, P.G., 157.08
Wolfe, Thomas, 403.11
Wolseley, 257.03
Wonder Woman, 426.10
Woodcook orchid, (Ophrys scolopax), 31.17-32.12, 101.16-17, Afternote Part 1, Ch. 16
Wootton, John, Lamprey, with his owner Sir William Morgan, at Newmarket, 278.23-24
Wordsworth,William, 145.18-19, 217.28-218.04
Wright of Derby, Joseph, by Erasmus Darwin, 115.32-34

Xertigny, department of Vosges, Lorraine, France, 339.23-24

Yalta, 20.05
Yakima County, Fifes Peaks, 339.29, 427.05
Yakima River, 339.29
Yeats, W.B., 43.33
Yellow Kid cartoon in New York Journal by Richard Outcault, 124.28-30
Yellow Kid, The, comics by Richard Outcault, 124.28-30
Yerba buena, 71.22
Yew tree aril, 334.19-20
Yorkshire Terrier, 432.14
Young, Edward, Night Thoughts, 183.09-10

yucca, 385.06
yukata, 298.10

Zambézia province, Mozambique, 152.28
Zazie in the Metro, cover, 242.18
Zegris eupheme105.33-34, 342.31-33
Zenobius, St., 23.29-32
Zhivago, Dr, 371.15-16
Zhuangzi dreaming of a butterfly, sketch, 198.25
ziggurat, Uruk, 423.09
Zog I, King of Albania, 146.11
Zola, Émile, 365.16-17
Zotov, Vladimir, 339-23-24
Zukofsky, Louis, 412.24-26
Zurbarán, Francisco de, Lemons,Oranges, Cup and Flower, 46.08-09

Index by Page/Line Number

Part One, Chapters 1-43

Chapter 1 (pp. 3-9)
3.01-06, Lev Tolstoy
3.03, Ivan Turgenev
3.04, Mount Tabor
3.04b Robert Lowell
3.04b, Osip Mandelshtam
3.04b, Edmund Wilson
3.08, Fra
nçois-Réné Chateaubriand
3.09, Stendhal (Henri Beyle)
3.09, Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium)
3.10, Prince Pyotr Andreyevich Vyazemsky
3.10-11, Bras d'Or
3.10-11, hydrofoil by Alexander Graham Bell
3.10-11, photophone
3.15-21, General Peter Gansevoort
3.15, Ivan Aledandrovich Nabokov
3.15, Peter and Paul Fortress
3.16-17, Fort Severn
3.16-17, John Milton
3.18, Estotiland
4.03, Kaluga
4.04, Lake Ladoga
4.11, sur-royal antlers
4.16, Joseph Duveen
4.16b, Double Barrel by Nicholas Freeling
4.16(b), The Birth of Venus,by Sandro Botticelli
4.16(b), Rokeby Venus, The, by Diego Velásquez
4.22, Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov
4.22, Anton Rubinstein
4.22, Pavel Aleksandrovitš Viskovatov
4.22, Mikhail Vrubel
4.22, Alexander Blok
4.22, Vladimir Dmitrievich Nabokov
4.22, Eugene Onegin, first edition
Edgar Allan Poe
5.07, River Dore
5.09, Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov by Ilya Repin
5.09, Kitezh
5.10-11, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch
5.19-20, T. S. Eliot
5.21, hydraulic elevator
5.21-22, Manhattan Life Building
5.23-7.05, The Children of Captain Grant
5.23-7.05, Jules Verne, by Nadar
5.27, Marcus Tullius Cicero
6.01-03, Bonne Nuit les Petits
6.22-23, Baroness Emma Orczy, by Alexander Bassano
7.07-9.10, Ranunculaceae, Alpine columbine (Aquilegia alpina)
7.09 Château d'Oex photo
7.09 Château d'Oex poster
7.09, Brig
7.23, Alpine columbine
7.25, Hawkweed, (Hieracium auricula)
7.27, Ginkgo biloba
7.30, edelweiss
larches in winter
7.33, butterfly orchid (Oncidium papilio)
8.02, Alpes Maritimes
8.05, Koch's gentian (Gentiana acaulis)
8.07-09, Rorschach ink blot
8.12, spring gentian (Gentiana verna)
8.22. butterfly orchid (Oncidium papilio)
8.25-28, Jane Austen
8.31, Primavera Stabiae
9.18-29, Marcel Proust
Afternote Part 1, Ch.1, Bonne Nuit les Petits
Afternote Part 1, Ch.1, Primavera Stabiae
Afternote Part 1, Ch.1, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch

Chapter 2 (pp. 10-16)
10.09, Winfield Scott
11.02-12, Notbek, sketch of Tatiana from Aleksander Pushkin's Eugene Onegin
11.06-07, quill pen
11.25, Whitehorse, Yukon
11.28-29, sharavary
11.28-29, samovar
11.30-31, common marshmallow plant
11.30-31, peanut bush
11.33, Moscow's Boulevard Ring
12.01, twenty-five ruble note
12.07, Iberian peninsula
12.07b, Georgian tribesmen
12.12-13, Uncle Sam poster
12.30-13.05, Adam and Eve, by Parmagianino
12.30-13.05, preparatory sketch of Adam, by Parmagianino
13.33, Blaschka glass flower and burnet moth
14.03, dackel, Box II with young Nabokovs
14.05, clepsydra
14.21-23, Warren G. Harding

14.21-23, Woodrow Wilson
14.24, Blériot plane
14.34-15.01, Douglas Fairbanks
15.31, Chateaubriand
16.07, Lolita, Jackson Country
16.22, Adam and Eve by Cranach,
16.25, mercury (use in treatment of syphilis)

Afternote Part 1, Ch 2, Cattleya orchid on cover of Penguin Ada
Afternote Part 1, Ch 2, The Stone Guest, (Pushkin), illusration by Ilja Jefimowitsch Repin
Afternote Part 1, Ch 2, Divan Japonais, le, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, (picture hat)

Chapter 3 (pp. 17-30)
Forenote Part 1, Ch.3, H.G. Wells
Forenote Part 1, Ch.3, Samuel Butler
17.01, elevated railway
17.07-09, Luddites
17.09, Michael Faraday
17.12, Georges Braque, Violin and Candlestick
18.01, ha-ha
18.02-03, Tartary
18.02-03, Vinland
18.03, Kurland
1803b, Kuriles
18.04-07, President Abraham Lincoln
18.12-13, Albert Einstein
18.23-24, François Rabelais
18.24, Thomas Hobson
19.10, St George's emblem
19.21, Peri
19.27-29, British Empire
19.31-32, H.G. Wells
19.34-20.01, Ottoman Empire
20.05, Yalta
20.05b, Altyn Tag
20.07, dragonfly, Libellula cyanea
21.13-14, Ilya Il'f Fainzilberg and Evgeniy Petrovich Kataev
21.18-19, US map
21.19-21, Double Barrel by Nicholas Freeling
21.25, Mississippi River
21.25-26, Manitoba
21.26, Canadian Mounties
21.26, Russian peasant dress
21.33-34, Bryn Mawr
22.22, Appenzeller hound
23.09, Alexander Graham Bell's first telephon telephone
23.22, Alfred E. Houseman
23.22, Alfred Lord Tennyson
23.26-28, Guido Cavalcanti
23.29-32, St. Zenobius
23.29-32, Nikolay Gumilyov
24.01, General John J. ('Black Jack' )
25.05, Hairy alpenrose (Rhododendron hirsutum)
26.01, Mt. Scex/Sex Rouge
26.01, Les Diablerets
26.01, Château d'Oex
26.12, Quelques Fleurs
26.19, Vision of Youth by Bartholomew Mikhail Nestorov
26.28, centaur

26.28, phoenix
27.09-10, Sigmund Freud
28.09, Adolf Hitler
28.21-22, Captain Mayne Reid
29.07, Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe, by Édouard Manet
29.10-11, Kaibab plateau, north rim
29.20-21, Edmond Rostand

Chapter 4 (pp. 31-33)
31.01-08, Henry James
, Ivan Turgenev
31.14-15, tapir
31.14-15, Valery Bryusov
31.14-15, Yuli Ayhenvald
31.17-32.12, Woodcook orchid (Ophrys scolopax)
32.27-28, Bronzino, Venus, Satyr and Cupid
32.30, Geoffrey Leonard Cheshire
33.01, Lucky Luke
33.04, Lord Chesterfield, (Philip Dormer Stanhope)
33.30-31, Capability Brown, Northern Lake in Newton St.Loe College
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 4, Eton College

Chapter 5 (pp. 34-40)
34.04-35.31, hackney coach
35.04, runabout
34.05, horse-drawn trap
34.15, horse-drawn calèche
35.02, izba
35.03, jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides)
35.28, tricorn hat
36.03-08, Farman I aeroplane
36.06, buttercup
35.17-18, Chatsworth House
35.17-18, Anthony Trollope c1870s
35.17-18, George Eliot
35.17-18, Jane Austen
36.07-08, Boucher ceiling
36.20, Persian lilac (Syringa persica)
37.11, horse-drawn victoria
37.13-14, anemones
37.13-14, celandines
37.13-14, columbines
37.28-29, Lady Amherst's pheasant
38.09-11, Jackie Kennedy
38.09-11, John Milton
38.09-11, Lady Bird Johnson
38.09-11, Abraham Lincoln,
38.09-11, Mary Todd Lincoln
38.09-11, Lyndon B. Johnson
38.11, Empress Josephine of France
38.19-20, Fyodor Dostoevsky
38.23, Gainsborough hat
39.24-25, bridal crown
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 5, sketch of Adam by Parmagianino
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 5, Lady Amherst's pheasant
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 5, picture hat (Le Divan Japonais) by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 5, Bird of Paradise

Chapter 6 (pp. 41-46)
Forenote Part One, Ch.6, VN's sketches of Sotherton Court (from Mansfield Park by Jane Austen)
42.33-34, Joseph Haydn
43.03-06, Girl Reclining (Marie-Louise O'Murphy) by François Boucher,
43.04, Flora Lapponica, Linnaeus
43.04, Carolus Linnaeus
43.09, Auguste and Louis Lumière
43.13, Empire style armchair
43.16-19, Paulownia tree (Paulownia tomentosa)
43.16-19, Paulownia blossoms
43.16-19, Paulownia leaves
43.16-19, Emperor Pavel I of Russia
43.22, Oryx (Oryx beisa beisa)
43.23, okapi
43.26-27, Martin Waldseemüller
43.26-27, Universalis Cosmographia, 1507
43.29-31, Shetland pony
44.23-31, Magic Carpet, by Victor Vasnetsov, 1880
45.22, larches

43.33, Ivan Turgenev
43.33, W.B. Yeats
46.05, Four bunches of grapes, by Juan Fernández, "el Labrador"
46.08-09, Lemons, Oranges, Cup and Flower, by Francisco de Zurbarán,
46.19, Hazel Grouse, (Tetrastes (Bonasia) bonasa)

Chapter 7 (pp. 47-49)
47.06-08, Little Miss Muffet, by Arthur Rackham
47.06-15, strawberries, garden (Fragaria ananassa)
47.06-15, strawberries, hautbois (Fragaria moschata (elatior))
47.16-18, song thrush (Turdus philomelos)
47.18-19, John James Audubon
47.18-19, Carolina pigeons (Mourning doves) by John James Audubon
, petit-beurre by VN
48.28-29, cameo
48.29, fleur-de-lys
49.04-06, Cendrillon, by Gustave Doré, from Charles Perrault's Les Contes des Fées
49.10-12, Giacomo Casanova
49.15-16, peat-bog digger

Chapter 8 (pp. 50-57)
50.06, Chateaubriand
50.11-18, fir cone
50.12, stamnos
50.16(b), hawfinch
50.16(b), brown-eared bulbul
50.16(b), nightingale
51.15-19, linden tree
51.15-19, oak
51.22-23, poster for Trapeze (film)
51.30, peony
53.01-03, tulip trees
53.06, Photinus pryalis firefly
53.11-15, croquet players
53.13, reed-varied bunting
53.22-24, Boris Pasternak
53.22-24, Alexander Blok
53.25-28, Sir John Tenniel's illustration of flamingo croquet from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
53.30-32, Guy de Maupassant
53.34-54.01, American elm
54.01-03, James Joyce
54.03-04, Edward Westermarck
55.02-03, Shark moth caterpillar
55.03, moth mullein
55.04-07, Catocala sponsa caterpillar
55.07-09, Orgyia definita caterpillar
55.18, Puss moth caterpillar
55.24, Plate from Adalbert Seitz (ed.) Macrolepidoptera of the World
55.24-29, Compton tortoiseshell (Nymphalis vaualbum)
55.30-31, Les malheurs de Sophie by Sophie de Ségur
55.30-31, Sophie de Ségur
56.06-10, hawkmoth (Macroglossum stellatarum)
56.06-10, Cattleya bicolor
56.06-10, hawkmoth caterpillar (Sphingidae)
56.06-10, hyacinth
56.06-10, Cattleya labiata 'Helena'
56.16-57.02, Catocala sponsa pupa
56.16-57.02, Nymphalis polychloros pupa
56.16-57.02, Orgyia pseudotsugata pupa
56.18-20, Clemens Brentano
56.18-20, Lorelei illustration
56.19, Ichneumon fly
56.20-22, Grum Grzshmailo
56.24-29, Last Judgement, Hieronymus Bosch
56.29-30, Carmen, illustration from the story by Prosper Merimée
57.03-05, Anthocharis cardamines butterfly
57.05-06, Maximillian of Prittwitz and Gaffron
57.13, Argynnis niobe fritillary butterfly
57.14-26, Speyeria fritillary butterfly
57.14-26, Boloria selene fritillary butterfly
57.17-18, Prairie violet, Viola pedatifida
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 8, Koch's gentian (Gentiana acaulis)
Afternote Part 1 Ch. 8, Puss moth caterpillar

Chapter 9 (pp. 58-60)
58.10-12, Talon trouser fastener advertisement
58.10-12, Hanes brief advertisement
58.10-12, Barton and Guestier wine advertisement
59.10, onyx
59.28, Puss moth
60.07, L'Education Sentimentale, by Gustave Flaubert
60.12-14, Eve, fresco byParmigianino
60.15, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch,
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 9, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch

Chapter 10 (pp. 61-66)
61.04-06, Box II with young Nabokovs
61.07-09, Paul Bourget
61.10, Elsa Triolet
61.11-12, muzhik sheepskin coat
63.05-06, Konstantin Stanislavsky
63.07, Botany Bay
63.07, Cook's landing at Botany Bay
63.07, Joseph Banks
63.07, Banksia integrifolia, drawing by Sydney Parkinson
63.07, Eucalyptus microcorys, by Edward Minchen
63.14, La Parure title page, 1884
63.14, cover for La Parure by Gil Blas, 1893
63.14, Guy de Maupassant
63.18, Gerard Manley Hopkins
63.20, buttercup
63.21-23, marsh marigold (Caltha palustris)
63.23-24, primrose (Primula veris)
63.26-27, Ophelia, by John Waterhouse
64.12, howling monkey (Alouatta fusca clamitans)
64.15-65.02, Arthur Rimabud
64.19, Alfred de Musset
64.19(b), François Coppée
64.27-30, weeping willow (Salix babylonica)
64.27-30, Ophelia, by John Everett Millais
64.32-65.02, louis d'or
65.08, Andrew Marvell
65.11-13, Oka River
66.03-04, Gaius Valerius Catullus
Afternote Part 1 Ch. 10, Lucius Apuleius

Chapter 11 (pp. 67-69)
68.11, tulip tree flowers (Liriodendron chinense)
68.11, tulip tree flowers (Liriodendron tulipifera)
68.11(b), paulownia
68.19, oystering
68.21-69.20, John Cheever
69.08-09, American football
69.09-10, West Point football team
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 11, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch

Afternote Part 1, Ch. 11, Last Judgment, by Hieronymus Bosch

Chapter 12 (pp. 70-76)
71.05, H.G. Wells
71.16, Pascal Blaise
71.20(b), common firecrest (Regulus ignicapillus)
71.20(c), 'Sitka' kinglet (Regulus satrapa)
71.21, European mint (Satureia hortensis)
71.22, Yerba buena
71.22-23, Echo Lake, California
71.22-23, Holly blue butterfly, Celastrina argiolus
71.23, Echo azure butterfly, Celastrina ladon
71.28-73.32, Lord Byron (George Gordon Byron)
72.03-09, Photinus pryalis firefly
72.03-09, Photuris pennsylvanicus firefly
72.06-07. Lugano, city and location
72.15, Roman Vergil eclogue by Virgil
72.17-18, tulip trees
72.23-24, cover of The Defense
72.31, European bogberry, Oxycoccus palustris
73.05-06, William Shakespeare
73.12-14, mosquito (Stegomyia aegypti (formerly Aedes aegypti)
73.28, panther
73.28, puma
73.28-29, orcas

75.11, jacaranda tree

Chapter 13 (pp. 77-88)
77.02-06, Carmen, watercolour by Prosper Mérimée
77.02-05, Jorge Luis Borges
77.02-06, calèche
77.06-07, poppy
77.06-07, peony
77.17-19, Mademoiselle Miauton/'Mademoiselle O,' with VN and Sergey
78.05, Shatt al Arab, river
78.05, Tigres and Euraphrates
78.12-13, hoopoe (Upupa epops)
78.20-79.03, charabanc
78.22-23, Bill Blass
78.24-25, sailor suit (VN)
78.26, horse-drawn calèche
78.30-31, Mother-of-Pearl
79.03, runabout
79.11, landau
79.14-16, La Parure
79.20, Pechenegs
79.26, Kibo, Mt Kilimanjaro
79.30, beluga caviar
80.13, Sèvres porcelain
81.10, Plumtree's Potted Meat
81.12-14, box crystal radio
81.14, St Malô
81.20-21, giant redwood (Sequoiadendron giganteum)
81.20-21, Washington, George, unfinished painting by Gilbert Stuart
81.20-21, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
81.23-24, Loustalot, boxing and fencing master
81.27, caryatids
81.33-82.03, The Fall of Icarus, by Pieter Brueghel the Elder
81.33-82.03, The Nest Robber, by Pieter Brueghel the Elder
81.33-82.03, The Parable of the Blind Leading the Blind, by Pieter Brueghel the Elder
81.33-82.03, Wedding Dance in the Open Air, by Pieter Brueghel the Elder
81.33-82.03, Peasant Dance, by Pieter Brueghel the Elder
82.02-83-05, James Joyce
82.09-10, Tarentum
82.09-19, pine starwort (Ionactis linariifolia)
82.13-14, ball in a cup
83.07, La Parure
83.07, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
83.34, photophone
84.20-22, Cyrillitsa, the Cyrillic alphabet (old Church Slavonic version)

84.20-22, opening paragraph of Skazka (A Nursery Tale) in old Russian orthography
, opening paragraph of the Russian Lolita, in the modern Russian orthography introduced in 1918
84.28-86.14. landau
85.03-04. bogberry
85.03-04, bilberry
85.09-22, mosquito (Stegomyia aegypti (formerly Aedes aegypti)
85.24, W. Somerset Maugham
85.27-30. Parnassius stubbenorfi bodemegeri and Parnassius stubbenorfi citrinarius
87.10-11, izba
87.10-11, horse-drawn calèche

87.15, English barn swallow

Chapter 14 (pp. 89-93)
89.02-03, crown of flowers (daisy chain)
, anadem
89.03(b), marguerite
89.04, crumpet
89.11-12, samovar
89.13, pilaster
89.15, sketch by Gustave Doré for Atala by Chateaubriand
90.04-07, Ophelia, by John William Waterhouse
90.24-26, T.S. Eliot
90.31-34, Vishnu
90.31-34, Durga
90.31-34, Kali
90.31-34, Devi
90.31-34, Shiva
90.31-34, Moses
90.31-34, Tiger lotus (Nymphaea lotus)
90.31-34, East Indian lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)
91.02, H.G. Wells
91.04-08, spire
91.04-08, cupola

91.04-08, St Basil's, Moscow
91.04-08, bonze (Buddhist monk)
91.04-08, mastaba
91.04-08, The Three Crosses, by Peter Paul Rubens
91.22-23, Mesopotamia
91.22-23, Tigres and Euphrates
91.26-27, Shatt al Arab
91.26-27, Charles Darwin
91.26-27, hippocampus
91.26-27, illustration from The Water Babies by Charles Kingsley
92.19, sullow
92.31-33, oak
92.31-33, American elm
92.31-33, Reed-varied bunting
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 14, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch,
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 14, Le Divan Japonais, by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

Chapter 15 (pp. 94-96)
94.01, Shatt al Arab
94.01, Tigres and Euphrates
94.04-06, Game of Graces
94.06, cicada
94.07, Kaibab squirrel (Sciurus aberti kaibabensis)
94.07, Kaibab plateau, north rim
94.07, Fender's blue butterfly (Icaricia icarioides) (now Aricia icarioides)
94.07, VN's holotype of Neonympha dorothea (now Cyllopsis pertepida dorothea)
94.15, drupe
95.14, pantalets
96.16, shagreen
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 15, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch

Afternote Part 1, Ch. 15, Adam and Eve, by Parmigianino
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 15, Vladimir Nabokov's, "Playboy" bunny
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 15, Kaibab plateau

Chapter 16 (pp. 97-101)
97.18, Expulsion from Paradise by Masaccio
98.02, Puss moth caterpillar
98.12, Kaibab squirrel
99.25-26, mirror orchid (Ophrys speculum)
100.24, scarab
100.24, dung beetles
101.16-17, Ophrys scolopax orchid
101.16-17, wild bee (Eucera (Synhalonia) sp.)
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 16, Cattleya labiata orchid
Afternote Part 1, Ch 16, Cattleya image on Penguin cover of Ada
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 16, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 16, Ophrys speculum orchid
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 16, Ophrys scolopax orchid
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 16, Pogonia (Pogonia ophioglossoides)
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 16, Butterfly orchid, (Psychopsis (Oncidium) papilio)

Chapter 17 (pp. 102-108)
102.01, wasps on orchid lips (Chiloglottis reflexa and Fly orchid)
102.03, Emile Littré
103.10-11, Gulliver in Brobdingnag
103.13, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch,
103.21-104.02, Le Divan Japonais, by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
103.23-24, Wicklow town
103.23-24, Wicklow county
103.27-28, Self-portrait by Rembrandt van Rijn
103.27-28, The Gypsy Girl by Frans Hals
103.27-28, Self Portrait as a Lutenist, by Jan Steen
103.27-28, Self-portrait with Saskia, by Rembrandt van Rijn
103.29-30, Fifth Ave, New York
104.04, samoyed
105.06-07, koala
105.07, eglantine, Rosa eglantera
105.07, Edmund Spenser
105.33-34, mosquito (Culex piipiens)
105.33-34, butterfly (Zegris eupheme)
105.33-34, butterfly (Pseudophilotes abencerragus)
105.33-34, butterfly, (Eumaeus atala)
105.33-34, Robert Brown
106.11-26, Fra
nçois-Réné Chateaubriand
106.11-26, Charles Baudelaire
106.28-30, John Donne
107.07-08, Bryn Mawr
107.19, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
107.25-26, John Osborne
107.25-26, Kingsley Amis
107.25-26, Alan Sillitoe
107.25-26, Colin Wilson
107.26, Robert Brown

102.26, Alexander Braun
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 17, Le Divan Japonais, by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 17, Robert Brown

Chapter 18 (pp. 109-113)
110.24-25, organ pipes
110.24-25, flue pipe diagram
110.24-25, Pan and Daphnis with pan pipes
111.13, Bryn Mawr
111.16-112.16, Portrait de l'artiste au chapeau,by Paul Gauguin
111.16-112.16, Teha'amana Has Many Parents, or The Ancestors of Teha'amana, by Paul Gauguin
111.16-112.16, Ea haere ia oe (Where Are You Going?), Paul Gauguin
111.16-112.16, Manao tupapau (The Spirit of the Dead Watches Over Her), by Paul Gauguin
111.16-112.16, Balthus (Balthazar Klossowski de Rola)
111.16-112.16, House of Cards, by Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin
111.18-20, Still-Life with Fruit and Shellfish, by Jan van Kessel
111.31-34, The Stone Guest, (Pushkin), by Ilja Jefimowitsch Repin
112.30-31, kangaroo
113.21-22, Stabiae

Chapter 19 (pp. 114-122)
114.01-02, Sophie de Ségur
114.01-02, Les malheurs de Sophie by Sophie de Ségur
114.01-02, Illustration by Émile Bayard for François le bossu by Sophie de Ségur
114.01-02, Illustration for Les Petites Filles modèles by Sophie de Ségur in the Bibliothèque rose illustrée
114.02-03, Thomas Hardy
114.02-03, William Faulkner
114.16-17, Cendrillon, by Gustave Doré, from Charles Perrault's Les Contes des Fées
115.01-03, tulip trees (Liriodendron tulipifera)
115.01-03, Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar (Cedrus Atlantica 'Glauca Pendula')
115.02, paulownia leaves
115.26, runabout
115.31, telega
115.32-34, Erasmus Darwin by Joseph Wright of Derby
115.32-34, Charles Darwin
116.11-12, flamingo
116.15, Ralph Samuelson waterskiing
116.16, Rob Roy canoe
117.06-07, Rameses III, statues at Kamak
117.28-31, Poquelin, Jean-Baptiste, known as Molière
118.02, Bonne Nuit les Petits
118.16, Wells, H.G.
118.28-31, King George V
119.25, red bolete, Boletus auratiacus

119.27, Knotted Crane's Bill (Geranium nodosum)
119.27, Rose Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)
120.03-04, John Hanning Speke
120.03-04, Richard Francis Burton
120.03-04, map of Speke and Burton expeditions
120.03-04, Henry Morton Stanley
121.03, Crimea
121.09, Otahi (Alone), by Paul Gauguin
122.05, cannabis (hemp)
122.12-13, Ardez
122.12-13, Château d'Oex, location
Afternote Part 1, Ch.19, Crimea
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 19, Le Divan Japonais, by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

Chapter 20 (pp. 123-129)
123.08, jasmine, star (Trachelospermum jasminoides)
123.17-18, Kenneth Kaunda
124.13, Hotei
124.20-21, Norman Vincent Peale
124.20-21, Fulton J. Sheen
124.24, bladder senna flowers (Colutea arborescens)
124.27, piqué cloth
124.28-30, The Yellow Kid comics by Richard Outcault
124.28-30, Hogan's Alley comic stip, by Richard Outcault
124.28-30, Yellow Kid cartoon in New York Journal by Richard Outcault
125.03, bladder senna seedpods (Colutea arborescens)

125.19, charabanc
125.27-30, Knotted Crane's Bill geranium, (Geranium nodosu)
125.27-30, violets (sp.Violaceae)
125.30, Slipper orchid, (Paphiopedilum venustum)
125.30, Slipper orchid (Cypripedium calceolus)
125.30-31, Roger Bannister
126.06, François Coppée
126.17-18, Polyphemus
127.19-20, Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre
127.24-128.01, François Coppée
127.32-33, Robert Lowell
127.32-33, W. H. Auden
128.01-02, Robert Browning
128.01-02, Willa Cather
128.06, bladder senna flowers (Colutea arborescens)
128.09-10, Nikolai Vasilyevich Repnin
128.12-13, Kaluga
128.13-14, Robin Hood
128.24, field of poppies
128.24, Tiny Bluets (Houstonia pusilla)
128.26-33, Iolas blue (Iolana iolas)
128.26-33, Small or Cabbage white (Pieris rapae)
128.31, Luek (Fr. Loèche)
128.31, the Pfynwald or Forêt de Finges
129.03-14, larches
129.19-20, Jeremy Taylor, by Pierre Lombard
Afternote Part 1, Ch 20, bladder senna seedpods (Colutea arborescens)
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 20, bladder senna flowers (Colutea arborescens)
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 20,
marsh marigold
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 20, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch

Chapter 21 (pp. 130-137)
Forenote Part 1, Ch. 21, Garden of Earthly Delights,by Hieronymus Bosch
130.14, The Perfumed Garden, cover
131.02, One Thousand and One Nights, illustration by Sani ol-Molk
131.02, Antoine Galland
131.02, Edward William Lane
131.02, Richard Francis Burton
, Kertbeny, Károly Mária (1824-1882), aka Karl-Maria Kertbeny (Benkert),
, Havelock Ellis
, Richard von Krafft-Ebing
, The Sexual Life of our Time, by Iwan Bloch (cover)
, Magnus Hirschfeld
131.24-26, Ivan Turgenev
, Louis Braille
131.34, The Blind Girl by John Everett Millais
132.05, breloque
132.05-07, John Updike
132.11, mercury (use in treatment of syphilis)
132.11(b), Höhensonne (ultraviolet) treatment
132.25, frambosia, tropical (bubas)
132.25(b), buboes
132.26-30, Spanish Inquisition
132.26-30, heretics
132.26-30, leprosy
132.31-32, psoriasis
132.31-32, butterly wing
133.02-03, H.G Wells

133.08, François-Réné Chateabriand
133.12-13, Victor Hugo
133.23-26. Charles Darwin
133.26, Bald Eagle
133.27, George Thompson
133.27, William Lloyd Garrison
134.02-05, Trofim Lysenko
134.33-34, Robert Creeley
134.33-34, Robert Duncan
134.33-34, Charles Olsen
135.20-23, Serromyia femorata
135.20-33, Poupart's (or the inguinal) ligament
136.13-14, Gaspé
136.28, François Rabelais
136.29, Giacomo Casanova
136.29(b), Marquis de Sade
136.29(c), Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
136.30, Henry Miller
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 21, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 21, The Perfumed Garden, cover

Chapter 22 (pp. 138-141)
138.01-139.04, Chateaubriand
138.01-139.04, Le Château de Combourg
138.01-139.04, Combourg, canton
138.01-139.04, River Dore
139.02, swallows
139.09, Kaluga
139.16, Circassian woman
139.25, Emile Littré

140.03, Pierre de Bourdeilles, Seigneur de Brantôme
140.03, Lives of Fair and Gallant Ladies, by Seigneur de Brantôme
140.08, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, portrait by Ottavio Leoni
140.15-22, Basket of Fruit, by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
140.15-22, Bacchus, by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
140.15-22, Self-portrait as Bacchus, by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
140.15-22, The Conversion of St. Paul, by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
140.15-22, The Cruxifixion of St. Peter, by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
140.17-24, Dorotea, by Sebastiano del Piombo
141.17-18, Diana and Callisto by Palma Vecchio
141.18-19, A Blonde Woman by Palma Vecchio
141.13-14, hawmoth caterpillar (Sphingidae)
141.14, Pelecystola nearctica
141.14, Plume moth (Buckleria vanderwolfi)
141.15-16, bed bug (Cimex lectularius)
141.17, St. Mary Magdalen, by Titian
141.17, Sacred and Profane Love by Titian
141.17, Bacchanal of the Andrians, by Titian
141.17, Venus of Urbino, by Titian
141.17-18, Diana and Callisto, by Palma Vecchio
141.18-19, A Blonde Woman, by Palma Vecchio
141.18-19, Nymph and Satyr, by Dosso Dossi
141.22-25, Susanna and the Elders, by Rembrandt van Rijn
Afternote Part 1, Ch..22, Chateaubriand
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 22, Garden of Earthly Delights,middle panel, by Hieronymus Bosch
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 22, Garden of Earthly Delights,right panel, by Hieronymus Bosch

Chapter 23 (pp. 142-146)
142.02-03, Brantôme
142.02-03, La Parure
142.05-05, René Descartes by Frans Hals
142.05-05, Marcel Proust
142.13, red bolete (Boletus auratiacus)
142.18, conifers
142.18, larches
142.20-143.02, Forget-me-nots (Myosotis (palustris )scorpiodides)
142.20-143.02, marsh marigold
143.33, Dame Ellen Terry
143.33, Dame Sybil Thorndike
143.33, Dame Edith Evans
143.33, Dame Margaret Rutherford
143.33-144.01, René-Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur
145.18-19, William Wordsworth
145.18-19, Robert Browning
145.18-19, Alfred Lord Tennyson
145.18-19, Robert Bridges
145.18-19, Robert Brown
145.19-21, Cypress tree (Cupressus sempervirens)
145.19-21, Matthew Arnold
145.33-34, Thomas Love Peacock
145.33-34, Percy Bysshe Shelley
146.11, Venus, Satyr and Cupid, by Angelo Bronzino
146.11, Robert Gilbert Vansittart, 1st Baron Vansittart
146.11, King Zog I of Albania
146.26-33, Princes Margaret
146.26-33, Clarence House, London
146.26-33, Sir Walter Scott
146.26-33, Gottfried August Bürger
146.26-33, Gustave Doré’s illustration of Tennyson's Idylls of the King
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 23, Arthur Rimbaud

Chapter 24 (pp. 147-155)
147.12-13, Morris Mini-Minor
147.12-13, Casino Royale, by Ian Fleming, cover
147.17, Luigi Vanvitelli
147.17, Don Giovanni
148.09, Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus)
148.09, Black Swallowtail (Papillio polyxenes)
148.09, Freija fritillary (Boloria freija)
149.15, Abram Petrovich Gannibal
149.15, Alexander Dumas
149.15, Général Alexandre Dumas
149.22-23, chamois
150.19-20, Sergey Aksakov
149.25, Filippo Brunelleschi, by Masaccio
149.25, Leon Battista Alberti
149.25, Palazzo Farnese
150.16b, landaulet
150.26, Chancey Olcott
151.31-152-01, Stanley's discovery of Livingstone, illustration
152.28, Zambézia province, Mozambique
152.29, Capri
152.31, Gardone
152.32-33, Torbole
152.32-33, Gabriele D'Annunzio
152.34-153.01, Lake Geneva, by Gustave Courbet
, Nikolay Karamzin
153.06-08, caleche
153.06-08, Nice
153.15, Montreux
153.15, Vevey
153.24-25, Descartes
153.32-33, Babes in the Wood, illustration by Randolphe Caldecott
154.22-23, jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides)
154.23, calcium carbide lamp
154.31, tokay
155.11, angelica (Angelica litoralis)
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 24, Sergey Aksakov

Chapter 25 (pp. 156-159)
156.02, aster flowers, (Aster amelius)
156.02, Astrophel and Stella, title page
156.02, Sir Philip Sidney
156.02b, Fleabane (Pulicaria dysenterica)
156.02b, Annual Fleabane, (Erigeron annuus)
156.03, Ladoga
156.04-05, Luga train station
156.19, runabout
157.08, Harlequin by Paul Cézanne
157.08, The Marriage of Figaro
157.08, Leporello from Don Giovanni
157.08, Papageno, from The Magic Flute
157.08, Sancho Panza
157.08, P.G. Wodehouse
157.18-34, Marie de France
157.21-23, Louis XVI
157.21-23, King Charles I
157.21-23, King Charles II
158.05-06, Maria Nikolaevna Kuznetsova
158.11-15, Red Admiral butterly (Vaness atalanta)
158.11-15, Camberwell Beauty butterfly (Nymphalis antiopa)
158.11-15, Monarch butterfly (Danaüs plexippuss)
158.11-15, Viceroy butterfly (Limenitis (Basilarchia) archippus)
158.13-15, Nabonidus
158.13-15, Nebuchadnezzar
158.13-15, Nabucco, libretto cover
158.13-15, Giuseppe Verdi
Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25, left panel of Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights
Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25, hackney coach
Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25, caleche
Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25, runabout
Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25, Monarch and Viceroy butterflies
Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25, Camberwell Beauty butterfly
Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25, Nabonidus
Afternote Part 1, Chapter 25, Nebuchadnezzar

Chapter 26 (pp. 160-162)
160.02, Edgar Allen Poe
161.24-26, Arthur Rimbaud
Afternote Part 1, Chapter 26, James Joyce
Afternote Part 1, Chapter 26, Samuel Richardson
Afternote Part 1, Chapter 26, Arthur Rimbaud
Afternote Part 1, Chapter 26, Andrew Marvell
Afternote Part 1, Chapter 26, Ophelia, by John Everett Millais

Chapter 27 (pp. 163-170)
163.12-15, Anton Chekhov
163.18, Constantin Samuel Rafinesque-Schmaltz
163.18, Slipper orchid (Paphiopedilum venustum)
163.19, The Babes in the Wood
164.01, Eleonora Duse
160.01, Sarah Bernhardt
164.28-165.02, Arthur Rimbaud
164.28-165.02, Maurice Maeterlinck
165.02, Pierre Louÿs
165.02, Mytilene, Lesbos
165.03-04, Greta Garbo
165.03-04, Anna Christie poster
165.03-04, Eugene O'Neill
166.09-12, Bryn Mawr
166.09-12, Robert Brown
166.16, production photo from A Clockwork Orange
168.12, apple canker
168.28, Adula mountains
168.28, Lepontine Alps
169.15, poster for La Dolce Vita
169.15, poster for 8 1/2
169.19b, Jean-Baptist Racine
, Pierre Corneille
169.19b, Poquelin, Jean-Baptiste, known as Molière
169.24-27, Le Divan Japonais, by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
169.24-27, butterfly (Eumaeus Atala)
170.04-06, Camberwell Beauty (Nymphalis antiopa)
Afternote, Part 1, Chapter 27, Le Divan Japonais, by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Afternote, Part 1, Chapter 27, Anna Christie poster

Chapter 28 (pp. 171-177)
171.03-172.04, Lermontov's painting of Dagestan, Caucasus
171.03-172.04, Rockies, mountain range
171.04-05, Mikhail Lermontov, portrait

171.04-05, Grand Canyon
171.06-07, Leonhard Euler
171.06-07b, Captain Mayne Reid
171.10-13, Mount Kazbek, Caucasias
171.13-18, Gardone Riviera, on Lake Garda, Brescia, Italy

171.15, Lev Tolstoy, in peasant dress
171.15, Grauman's Chinese Theater
171.15, dinosaur (Gigandipus) footprint
171.16-17, Hadji Mura

171.16-18. General Joachim Marat
171.16-18, Jean Paul Marat
171.16-18, Charlotte Corday
171.16-18, Death of Marat, by David
171.19-20, Northern Blue (Plebejus (Lycaeides) idas sublivens, female
171.19-20, Telluride, Colorado
172.01-04, Ben Jonson
172.02-04, Ride of the Valkyries
172.02-04, Brünnhilde
172.01-04, Richard Wagner
172.04-05, Loustalot, fencing and boxing master
172.11-177.09, Mikhail Lermontov, portrait
172.18, Oliver Plunket
172.18, William Conygham Plunket
173.18-20, Lutetia
173.18-20, Hôtel Lutetia
173.24, Trinity College, Cambridge, Great Court
173.29-30, firefly (Photuris pennsylvanicus)
174.34-175.01, 4th Earl of Chesterfield, (Philip Dormer Stanhope)
175.30-31, Alexander Pushkin
176.04-05, Charles Baudelaire
176.12-13, Geoffrey Leonard Cheshire
7.03, Cairns birdwing (Troides euphorion)

Chapter 29 (pp. 178-180)
178.07, aerogram
178.08, Dada newspaper

178.08, Dada official letterhead
178.08, Marcel Duchamp, sculpture, 'The Fountain'
178.08, Hans Arp, sculpture
178.08-11, Common blue, (Polyommatus icarus)
178.16, François Boucher, Girl Reclining (Marie-Louise O'Murphy)
178.16, François Boucher, ceiling painting at Fontainebleu Palace
178.18-179.02, Gardone Riviera, on Lake Garda, Brescia, Italy
178.18-179.02, Map of Lake Garda, Italy
178.18-179.02, Lake Garda, Italy
180.15-16, Mount Kazbek, Caucasus
180.15-22, Mikhail Vrubel, Six-winged Seraph
180.15-22, Mikhail Vrubel, Demon seated in a Garden
180.15-22, Mikhail Lermontov, portrait

Chapter 30 (pp. 181-186)
181.01, Cam, River
181.01, Byron's Pool
181.01, Granta
181.01, Grantchester
181.03-185.15, Vasco da Gama
181.03-186.15, Viola da Gamba
181.11, Winston Churchill
181.11, Golden Horde, map
181.11, Iron Curtain, map
181.11-17, Alfred Hitchcock
181.11-17, Victor Kravchenko
181.11-17, Rudolf Nureyev
181.13-14, Crimea
181.13-14, The Seige of Sebastapol
181.16-17, Channel Tunnel
181.18-182.01, Rupert Brooke
182.05-06, Girton College
182.09, Windsor Castle
182.09, Queen Elizabeth II
182.14-15, Prince Grigoriy Tyomkin
182.14-15, Battleship Potemkin, film
182.18-19, Carl Jung
183.09-10, Edward Young
183. 09-10, Caspar David Friedrich

183.16, Dervish drums
183.19-20, Sergei Pankejeff

183.24-26, Cossack on horseback
183.26-28, burka
183.29, karakul clothing
184.18-20, Loustalot, fencing and boxing master
184.18-20, Vladimir Nabokov, in boxing gloves

185.14, tango dancers
185.17-22, poslednee tango
185.24, Vladimir Dmitrievich Nabokov
185.24, Chafut cave dwellings
185.24, Chafut caves and cave walls
185.25, Cornelian Cherry tree, (Cornus mascula)
185.25, Cornelian Cherry berries,( Cornus mascula)
186.12-13, John Dudley,Earl of Northumberland
186.12-13, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester
Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30, William James
Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30
, burka
Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30
, Bird of Paradise displaying
Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30, bowerbird, male
Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30, peacock displaying
Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30, stag beetle
Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30, man doing a handstand
Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30, Chafut cave dwellings
Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30, Karaite woman
Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30, Cornelian Cherry berries, (Cornus mascula)
Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30, Vinland
Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30, Jules Verne / Édouard Riou
Afternote, Part 1, Ch. 30, marsh marigold, (Caltha palustri)

Chapter 31 (pp. 187-196)
187.07, Bill Blass
187.08, Nikolai Gogol
187.10, calèche, horse-drawn
187.10, hackney coach
187.10, runabout
, runabout
190.04-05, Guy de Mauppassant
190.14, Beauty and the Beast, illustration by Walter Crane
191.10, Cinderella, illustration by Charles Perrault
191.10, Little Red Riding Hood, illustration by Walter Crane
191.10, Babes in the Wood, illustration by Randolph Caldecott
191.19, Wyndham Lewis
191.19, James Joyce
191.27, razorback hog
191.28, Emmenthaler cheese
191.30, song thrush (Turdus philomelos)
191.30, bluebird, mountain (Sialia currucoides)
192.08-09, oak tree
193.13-16, Lady's slipper orchid (Cypripedium reginae)
193.25-26, Ur, canton
, Anton Chekhov
193.25-26, Fyodor Dostoevsky
193.25-2, Alexander Herzen
194.01-06, chrysanthemum, (Chrythsanthemum indicum)
194.19-20, La Parure (The Necklace)
194.21-22, François Coppée,
194.27-28, Pierre Louÿs
195.15-16, Sir John Tenniel, drawing of a frog-faced footman from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

195.15-16, Sir John Tenniel, self portrait
196.04, Phantom Orchid (Cephalanthera austinae)
196.04-05, bladder senna (Colutea arborescens)
196.10, Giacomo Casanova
Afternote Part One, Chapter 31, Bill Blass
Afternote Part One, Chapter 31, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch

Chapter 32 (pp. 197-206)
197.01, La Parure (The Necklace)
197.01, Guy de Maupassant
197.02, chaise longue
197.03, Lev Tolstoy
197.13-14, Sergei Rachmaninof
198.10-11, Autumn red peaches (Prunus persica)
198.11-12, Golden weeping willow (Salix alba Morton)
198.25, Zhuangzi dreaming of a butterfly, sketch
198.26-29, Jean Cocteau
198.26-29, Chateaubriand
198.26-29, Honoré de Balzac
198.26-29. Jean-Paul Melville
198.26-29, Les Enfants Terribles
199.15-16, Rudolf Nureyev
199.15-16, Vaslav Ninjinski
199.15-16, Sergei Diaghilev
199.26-29, Ophelia, by John Everett Millais
200.07, Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford
201.18-19, Stanley Kubrick
202.06, coco de mer
, Lugano, city and location
202.22-23, James Joyce
203.02-03, pink mushrooms
203.21-23, H.G. Wells
203.21-23, Ralph Ellison
203.25-26, Lolita film poster
204.17, Weeping Atlas Cedar (Cedrus libani atlantica)
204.28-30, Penitant Mary Magdalene, by Titian
204.31, White Hellaborine (Cephalanthera damasonium)
Afternote Part One, Chapter 32, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch
Afternote Part One, Chapter 32, Ophelia, by John Everett Millais

Chapter 33 (pp. 207-210)
207.09-11, Ada typescript page
208.33, privet (Ligustrum vulgare)
210.12, petit-beurre biscuit
Afternote Part One, Chapter 33, Garden of Earthly Delights, Centre panel, by Hieronymus Bosch
Afternote Part One, Chapter 33, Garden of Earthly Delights, Right panel, by Hieronymus Bosch

Chapter 34 (pp. 211-214)
211.01, Sealyham terrier
211.01, Skye terrier
211.01, Weeping Atlas Cedar (Cedrus libani atlantica)
211.05-07, kerosene lantern
211-05, Golden Globe Awards
211-07, heliotrope (Heliotropium arborescens)
212.20-21, Chanterelle mushroom (Cantharelius cibarius)
212.29, Peter the Great, by Valentin Serov
Afternote Part One Chapter 34, Garden of Earthly Delights, Centre panel, by Hieronymus Bosch

Chapter 35 (pp. 215-221)
215.02-04, Chateaubriand
215.09-218.34, Edmund Spenser
216.34, Alder trees
216.34a, Cattails, marsh plant (Typha latifolia)
216.34b, Sweet-flags, marsh herb (Acorus calamus)
217.01, Purple-lipped twayblade orchid (Liparis liliifolia)
217.03, Ophelia
217.26-27, 1910 Set and costume design for Scheherazade by Léon Bakst
217.28-218.04, Rimbaud
217.28-218.04, Wordsworth
219.02, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage by Lord Byron
219.02, Eugene Onegin, first book edition 1833
219.09, Anton Chekhov
219.25-26, The Liffey near Kilbride, Co. Wicklow
220.16-17, Brockhaus Universal-Lecksickon, ca. 1928
220.18, The Children of Captain Grant, by Jules Verne
220.18, Julies Verne
220.21-22, D.H. Lawrence
220.21-22, Cover of 1928 Italian edition of Lady Chatterley's Lover
220.21-22, Fanny Hill illustration by Édouard-Henri Avri
221.07, Weeping cedar
Afternote Part One, Chapter 35, Chateaubriand
Afternote Part One, Chapter 35, Rimbaud
Afternote Part One, Chapter 35, Ophelia
Afternote Part One, Chapter 35, marsh marigold
Afternote Part One, Chapter 35, Scheherazade

Chapter 36 (pp. 222-229)
222.01-119.07, Morpho peliedies
222.01-119.07, Morpho helena
222.10, Logogriph to Véra, from Nabokov
222.12-223.03, Alfred Mosher Butts
222.12-223.03, The Nabokovs' scrabble set
222.16-17, The Mad Hatter's tea party, by John Tenniel, illustration from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
222.16-17, Manhattan Island
222.16-17, Washington Irving (1783-1859)
222.16-17, Double Barrel, by Nicholas Freeling
222.16-17, Nieuw Amsterdam
223.27, Staunton Chess Set
223.29, saffian leather
223.33, Jurojin, god of longevity, by Morikuni Tachibana
224.05-06, Hotel Ritz, Paris
224.05-06, César Ritz
224.05-06, Scott Fitzgerald
224.05-06, Palace Hôtel Gritti
224.05, Alfred de Musset
224.15-16, Edmund Wilson
224.16, Wilson City, N.C.
224.22-23, Thomas Moore
224.33-34, Ada Lovelace (née Byron)
224.33-34, the Analytical Engine
224.33-34, Charles Babbage
224.33-34, Augusta Leigh (née Byron)
225.17-19, Ardisia elliptica
225.25, Dahl's Russian dictionary, title page
225.28-31, Vladimir Dahl, by Vasily Perov
225.28-31, page from Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
225.29, Dahlia (sherffii)
225.29, Dahlia, Victoria (hortensis)
225.32-34, planchette
226.08-15, kerosene lamp
226.10-12. card figures, by John Tenniel, illustration from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
226.14. the goddess Benzaiten
227.11-12, the Kremlin, Moscow
227.21-22, Purple-lipped orchid (Liparis liliifolia)
227.21-22, Lady's Slipper orchid, (Cypripedium reginae)
227.27, Pogonia orchid, (Pogonia ophioglossoides)
228.26, pink mushrooms
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 36, Garden of Earthly Delights, Left panel, by Hieronymus Bosch
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 36, Garden of Earthly Delights, Centre panel, by Hieronymus Bosch
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 36, Garden of Earthly Delights, Right panel, by Hieronymus Bosch
Afternote Part 1, Ch. 36, Divan Japonais, le, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, (picture hat)

Chapter 37 (pp. 230-235)
230.01-11, Kaluga
230.03, Divan Japonais
230.04, Wyndham Lewis
230.04, tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera)
230.07, Map of Tartary
230.09-10, Brown Hill College (Bryn Mawr)
230.12-15, Adalbert Seitz
231.06, Larch trees
231.06-07, Sotherton Court
231.08-09, kerosene lamp
231.16, Divan Japonais
231.25-27, Crimea
231.26, Flag of Russian Empire
231.30-31, Jean Racine
232.11-12, Tolstoy
232.27, Azov sea port
232.27, Rostov on the Don
232.27, The Sea of Azov
232.34-233.04, Aleksandr Sergeevich Griboedov
232.34-233.04, Alexander Pushkin
233.10-11, Vasily Ivanovich Kachalov
233.10-11, Moscow Art Theatre
233.10-11, lobby of the Moscow Art Theatre
233.10-11, stage scene from A Month in the Country
233.11, Anton Chekhov reading The Seagull
233.11-12, Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavski
233.32-33, Catherine the Great
235.14-18, Stanislavski as Vershinin in The Three Sisters

Chapter 38 (pp. 236-265)
236.01, Kaluga
236.02-03, White Horse, Yukon
239.09, carnation
239.12, Acapulco
239.12, Pulkovo
239.15, convict chichlids
239.18, Hugh Hefner
239.19-20, Hégésippe Moreau, title page
239.31, convict chichlid (Amatitlania nigrofasciatus)
239.33-34, Empress Josephine of France
240.18-19, Sophia Tolstoya
240.18-19, Lev Tolstoy
240.21, Sir Walter Scott
240.21, The Bride of Lammermoor, by Sir Walter Scott
240.21-22, Nikolai Gogol
240.21-22, Fyodor Dostoevsky
240.21-22, Ivan Turgenev
240.21-22, Andrey Bely, by Léon Bakst
241.03-04, Boris Pasternak
241.03-04, Mikhail Lermontov
241.09-10, Chateaubriand
241.14-15, Byron
241.22-23, map showing course of Mississippi River
241.23-26, Klu Klux Klan meeting
241.23-26, Bible Belt, USA
241.26-27, Juan Ponce de León
241.26-27, map of Gulf of Mexico, by Alonso Alvarex de Pineda
242.18, Zazie in the Metro, cover
242.18, Raymond Queneau
242.26-28, Cendrillon, by Gustave Doré from Les Contes des Fées
242.33-34, Château Latour
243.20, Solander box
243.28, juniper berries
243.30, Madison Avenue, NY
245.10-11, Orchid (Mediocalcar decoratum)
245.14, Demon and angel with Tamara's soul. Vrubel's illustration to Lermontov's poem 'Demon'
246.10, Bechstein Piano
246.12-14, François Coppée
246.12, Three Sisters, front cover
246.32-247.02, Virginia snakeroot (Aristolochia serpentaria)
248.12, convict chichlids
248.21-33, John Cheever
248.21-33, Frog-faced footman
249.02-05, Jane Austen
249.24, onyx
249.30-31, mushroom (Boletus edulis)
250.23, Io moth caterpillar (Lasiocampidae)
250.24, Pink-spotted Hawkmoth, (Agrius cingulatus, imago)
250.24, Hawkmoth (Agrius convolvuli)
251.18-19, Périgord truffle (Tuber melanosporum)
251.24, Calville apples
253.09-11, Lady Amherst's pheasant
253.09, Lincoln Park
253.16, Montreux Palace Hotel
253.18, Nord Express
254.12, Sander lucioperca
254.12-13, Hazel Hen or grouse (Tetrastes bonasia)
255.26-27, Walleye (Sander vitreus)
255.27, John Dory
256.12, Aix-en-Provence, France
256.14, Corregio
256.29-30, Hazel Hen or grouse (Tetrastes bonasia)
256.29-30, American ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus)
256.31, Lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)
257.03, Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost
257.03, Wolseley
257.03, Mercedes Benz W07
257.10, François Coppée
257.14-18, runabout
257.19-21, Famusov
258.14, magnolias
258.29-30, Hazel Hen or grouse (Tetrastes bonasia)
258.29-30, American ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus)
258.29-30, Roger Tory Peterson
259.09-14, Asparagus officinalis
259.09-14, Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis)
259.14-18, sign of the cross, three fingers
259.14-18, sign of the cross, two fingers
259.18-19, Lake Ladoga
, forced labour, White Sea-Baltic canal
259.20-22, Semyon Afanasievich Vengerov
259.26-28, Winston Churchill
259.26-28, Richard I the Lionheart
259.28-29, Joseph Stalin
259.32, reversed corolla
260.20-23, cream puff, profiterole
261.16-29, Norman Mailer
261.16-29, Henry Miller
261.16-29, kegelkugel, or bowling ball
261.16-22, Countess Marie Larisch
261.26-27, Henri Charles Wilfrid Laurier
264.24-29, Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov
Afternote Part One, Chapter 38, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch

Chapter 39 (pp. 266-282)
267.30-31, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington by Thomas Lawrence
267.30-31, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough by Enoch Seeman
268.01-02, Timur, or Tamerlane
268.09-10, Fyodor Tyutchev by Stepan Aleksandrovsky
268.27-29, 'false acacia', Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)
268.32-274.03, Ben Jonson by George Vertue
269.12, common burdock (Arctium lappa)
269.32, Sarah Siddons, by Thomas Gainsborough
269.34-270.03, Giuseppe Verdi by Giacomo Brogi
269.34-270.03, title page of Verdi's La Traviata, with libretto by Franceso Maria Piave
269.34-270.03, Alexander Dumas
269.34-270.03, Nabucco, by Giuseppe Verdi, libretto cover
La Parure
270.21, Saibling (Salvelinus alpinus)
270.21, Deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
270.24-25, W.H. Auden
270.24-25, André Gide
270.24-25, Jean-Paul Sartre
270.24-25, Albert Camus
270.27-29, Marsh Marigold
273.18, macchia, Isola d'Elba, LI, Italy
274.03-04, Giovanni Battista Guarini
274.03-04, Il Pastore Fido by Giovanni Battista Guarini
274.05, Carlo de’ Medici by Andrea Mantegna
274.05, The Last Supper by Matteo Rosselli
274.05, Casino Mediceo di San Marco
274.05, The Last Supper and The Washing of Feet, by Duccio
274.05, The Last Supper by Fra Angelico
274.05, The Last Supper by Domenico Ghirlandaio
274.05, The Last Supper by Pietro Perugino
274.05, The Last Supper by Jacopo Tintoretto
274.05, The Last Supper by Peter Paul Rubens
274.05, The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci
274.09-10, William Makepeace Thackeray, steel engraving
274.09-10, cover for The Garden of The Finzi-Continis
274.27-28, Alexander Pope by Michael Dahl
275.02, golfer in plus fours
275.12, Dying Gaul or Dying Gladiator
275.25, Sea squirts (Rhopalaea crassa)
276.19-20, Red bolete (Boletus auratiacus)
276.32-277.03, portrait photo of Ernest Dowson
277.01-02, Judas tree (Cercis siliquastrum)
277.01-02, Black Locust or 'false acacia' (Robinia pseudoacacia)
278.04, a Stanhope gig
278.20, Victoria, horse-drawn carriage
278.23, Tattersall's
278.23-24, Lamprey, with his owner Sir William Morgan, at Newmarket, by John Wootton
278.23-24, The Duke of Devonshire's Flying Childers by James Seymour
278.23-24, The False Start by Edgar Dégas
279.16-17, Chateaubriand
281.32-34, photo portrait of Mark Twain
281.32-34, cover of first edition of The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain
281.32-34, Hans Christian Andersen
282.01-02, detail from a portrait of Charles Perrault by Philippe Lallemand
282.01-02, Pierrot by Antoine Watteau

Chapter 40 (pp. 283-290)
283.01, tulip tree
283.16-17, ginkgo tree (Gingko biloba)
286.01, Henry Miller
287.14, lady's slipper orchid (Paphiopedilum henryanum)
287.33-288.01, butterfly bow tie
288.06-07, pembroke table
288.12-13, Boucher ceiling
288.14-16, Marlboro cigarettes
288.14-16, Duke of Marlborough
288.25-27, orchid (Masdevalia caesia)
288.25-27, orchid (Bulbophyllum psychoon)
288.31-32, orchid (Pogonia ophiglossoides)
289.03-06, lady's slipper orchid (Paphiopedilum henryanum)
289.05-06, orchid, (Oncidium cruentoides)

Chapter 41 (pp. 291-300)
291.14-15, Paul Verlaine
293.31, James Joyce
294.10, loafers
295.12, Baden Powell
295.29, jacaranda tree tops,
296.21-12, George Orwell
297.26, pogonia (Pogonia ophioglossoides)
298.10, yukata
298.34, calèche
299.02, poppies (Papaver ssp.)
299.02, bluets (Houstonia ssp.)
299.02, farkleberries (Vaccinium arboreum)
299.04-05, Russian seven-stringed guitar
299.04-05, racemosa (Padus racemosa)
299.10, Louis-Ferdinand Céline
299.22, jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides)
299.32-33, ginkgo tree (Gingko biloba)
299.33-34, maidenhair fern (Adiantum bellum)
300.04, marsh marigold (Caltha palustris)
300.04, cowslip (Primula veris)
300.05, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
300.06, James Edward Smith
300.06, Richard Salisbury
300.07, William James
300.07, May Sinclair
300.07, Dorothy Richardson

Chapter 42 (pp. 301-321)
302.28, Thirty-Nine Steps, John Buchan
302.29-31, hot buttered crumpet
302.29-31, Brownhill College
303.25, Jerusalem artichoke
304.06, Quisiana Restaurant
304.30-31, Still Life with Compote and Glass, Pablo Picasso
304.30-31, Man With a Guitar, Georges Braque
304.32, Simon Tappertit
304.32-33, pansy (Viola tricolor)
305.26-30, alpenstock
305.32-33, Saffian leather
306.07-09, Cordula orchid, (Paphiopedilum purpuratum)
306.07-09, Charles Darwin
306.07-09, Constantine Samuel Rafinesque
306.07, showy birdsfoot (Viola pedata)
306.07, Oscar Wilde
306.10, Carl Perkins
306.10, Liberace
306.13, Cole Porter
307.03, Luger pistol
307.16-22, Picture hat
307.23, L'Education sentimentale, Gustave Flaubert
308.04-07, Alexandre Griboedov
308.12, Skinner's Balsam
308.20-21, The Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica)
309.03-04, The Sorrows of Young Werther, Goethe
309.03-04, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
309.16-17, Ivan Turgenev
309.25, Chervonetz, 1922
310.16-19, Rocky mountain parnassian (Parnassius smintheus)
310.26-29, Pushkin
310.26-29, Lermontov
310.26-29, Turgenev
310.26-29, Tolstoy
310.26-29, Chekhov
310.26-29, Dostoevsky
311.32-34, alpenstock
312.07, sparver
312.28, Mt Wellington,
313.01-02, serratus, greater
315.04-06, Garden of Earthly Delights, right panel, by Hieronymus Bosch
315.13-16, Samuel Beckett, 1977
316.08-11, George Orwell
316.08-11, Overview map of the Korean War, 1950-1953
316.08-11, Overview map of the Crimean War, 1855
317.08-09, Pisan tree (Musa paradisiaca)
317.08-09, Pisan flower (Musa paradisiaca)
317.17, dragon's mouth orchid (Arethusa bulbosa)
317.17, orchid, (Eleorchis japonica)
317.17, snake-mouth orchid, (Pogonia ophioglossoides)
317.28-29, Robert Ripley
317.28-29, Einstein
319.13, Duke of Wellington
319.13, George Washington
319.13, Mt Wellington
319.15, Medlar flower and fruit (Mespilus germanica)
319.15, Cornel, in the Crimea
319.19-20, The Khazar Khaganate, 650-850
319.20-21, caves in the old city of Çufut Qale
319.20-21, Crimean Karaites
319.29, Tolstoy in peasant dress
320.19, peri

Chapter 43 (pp. 322-325)
322.07-08, Sigmund Freud
322.11-12, New Sheridan Hotel and Opera House
322.15-18, mask, jewelled
322.19-323.02, Parmigianino drawing
323.20, Vanda lissonchiloides
323.20, Brassia (formerly Ada) aurantiaca
324.01-04, François Coppée
324.01-04, veranda, Russia, pre-1917
324.01-04, jacaranda in bloom
324.01-04, Lake Arrowhead
324.01-04, racemosa
324.04, spiraea

Part Two, Chapters 1
-- 11

Chapter 2-1 (pp. 329-337)
329.04-07, overview map of Crimean War, 1855
329.14, the L-disaster
329.15, Mocuba district, Mozambique
329.15-16, Queen Victoria, 1887
329.15-16, King Edward VII, 1863
329.17-18, Charles de Gaulle, 1958
330.01-03, James Joyce
330.01-03, James Jones
330.18-19, Alexander Bezborodko
330.18-19, Baron Ponsonby
330.18-19, Sir Vere Brabazan Ponsonby, ninth Earl of Bessborough
330.19, map of Bessarabia
330.19-20, Lord Snowdon
330.20, Armenia
331.06-08, greater serratus
331.11-12, Stemless gentian (Gentiane acaulist)
331.11-12, Spring gentian (Gentiane verna)
331.11-12, Lady fern (Athyrium filix-foemina)
331.15-18, Ship of Fools, Hieronymus Bosch
331.15-18, Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Seas
331.15-18, The Last Judgment, Hieronymus Bosch
331.15-18, Garden of Earthly Delights, Hieronymus Bosch
331.15-18, Rimbaud
331.23, Thatched cottage, England
333.02, pisang tree
333.10-12, Three Sisters, Checkhov, cover of first edition
333.12-13, Konstantin Sergejewitsch Stanislawski
333.21, San Fernanado Valley
333.30-31,  Hummingbird, hawkmoth (Macroglossum stellatarum
333.30-31, sunbird, Malachite (Nectarinia famosa)
333.30-34, Hummingbird (Loddigesia mirabalis)
334.19-20, Yew tree aril
334.19-20, Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights
334.28-29, Captain Grant's Children, Jules Verne

Chapter 2-2 (pp. 338-346)
338.08-09, The Fallen Demon, Mikhail Vrubel 1902
338.09-11, H.G. Wells
338.09-11, We (English translation 1924)
338.16-17, Spider orchid (Arachnis breviscapa)
338.16-17, Sigmund Freud
339.04-09, Albert Einstein
339.11, Cyrano de Bergerac
339.17, Jean Remi Moët
339.19-20, The river Neckar
339.23-24, Xertigny, department of Vosges, Lorraine, France
339.23-24, Rostov Oblast on the map of Russia 
339.23-24, Vladimir Zotov
339.29, Yakima River
339.29,  Fifes Peaks in Yakima County
339.29, Lycaeides melissa
339.29, Lycaeides argyrognomon
340.04, Kingsley Amos
340.04, C. S. Lewis
340.04, Brian Aldiss
340.04, Sigmund Freud
340.04, Victor Hugo
340.13-19, Jack Arnold
340.13-19, Richard Matheson
340.19-21, Dmitri Merezhkovski
340.19-21, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
341.03-06, King George VI
341.06-07, Cecil Rhodes
341.09-11, Louis XVI
341.11-12, Napoleon Bonaparte
341.11-12, Louis Napoleon, Napoleon III
341.12-13, Léon-Victor-Auguste Bourgeois
341.13-14, Gaston Doumergue
341.13-14, Paul Doumer
341.13-14, Pavel Gorguloff
341.14, General Charles de Gaulle
341.15, Joseph Stalin
341.15-16, Ho Chi Minh
341.16-18, Map of the Soviet Union
341.19, Map of independent Tartary and Chinese Tartary, 1806
341.19, Crimean Khanate, 1550
341.19, Trieste
341.20, Adolf Hitler
341.20, Atahualpa
341.20, Francisco Pizarro
, King Edward VIII
341.21-22, Marshal Philippe Pétain
341.22, Benito Mussolini
341.23-24, Brothers Grimm
341.23-25, Nuremberg Rally
341.23-25, Leni Riefenstahl
342.16-18, Marco Polo in Tartar costume
342.23-25, The Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2)
342.28-29, James Joyce
342.31.33, Chateaubriand
342.31.33, Jean-Pierre de Florian
342.31.33, Court of the Lions in the Alhambra
342.31.33, Pseudophilotes abencerragus, the false baton blue
342.31.33, Zegris
342.33-34, Common gromwell (Lithospermum officinale)
342.33-34, Thomas Cromwell
342.33-34, Oliver Cromwell
343.01, Bronislav Ludvigovich Grombchevski
343.10-11, Saul Bellow
343.29-30, Kronborg castle, Elsinor
343.33, H.G. Wells
344.05, New Yorker cover
344.06-07, medlar fruit and flower
, The Perfumed Garden
344.08-10, Jorge Luis Borges
344.08-10, Alain Robbe-Grillet
344.08-10, Samuel Beckett
344.13-14, Sir Richard Burton
344.13-14, Kama Sutra
344.13-14, One Thousand and One nights
334.19, mandala
334.19, Carl Jung
345.04-05, Andrew Marvell
345.17, Alfred Wegener
345.17, Tartary
345.18-19, Viedma, Patagonia
345.18, Palatka, Florida
345.27, Orient Express
Afternote Part Two, Chapter 2, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch
Afternote Part Two, Chapter 2, Creation, on the shutters of the Garden of Earthly Delights

Chapter 2-3 (pp. 347-358)
347.01-02, Double Barrel
347.01-02, The Fall of Icararus, by Pieter Brueghel the Elder
347.01-02, The Blind leading the Blind, by Pieter Brueghel the Elder
347.01-02, The Peasant and the Nest Robber, by Pieter Brueghel the Elder
347.01-02, The Tower of Babel, by Pieter Breughel the Elder
347.16, Eton College
347.18-348.01, Fridericianum Sanitorium, Davos
347.18, Chateau d'Oex
347.18, Excideuil Chateau
348.06-08, Leo Tolstoy
348.07, Vence in the Maritime Alps, France
348.09-10, Venus Callipygean
348.11-12, Amaranthus caudatus
348.16, Golden Guineas, 1660-1685
348.23-28, Venus, Statyr and Cupid
349.02, Birth of Venus
349.23-29, Bertrand Russell
349.23-29, Ezra Pound
349.30-31, Kenwood House, London
349.32-33, Chetwood, Newport
349.32-33, The Colossus of Rhodes, 1745
349.33-34, Robert Adam, Etruscan room, Osterley Park
350.01-02, East Facade of the Propylaea, Acropolis
350.03-04, Joseph Duveen
350.15, Flowers in a Vase by Jan Brueghel the Elder
350.15, View of a Village along a River by Jan Brueghel the Elder
350.20a, Duchamp's Fountain
350.20a, Sculpture by Hans Arp
350.20a, Tristan Tzara
350.22-23, Georges Braque
350.23-28,  Hoogovens Steal (Corus). Building designed by Willem Dudok
350.26-27, Belvedere Court designed by Ernst Freud
350.26-27, Moulin Rouge, Paris
350.26-27, Casino de Paris
350.26-27, Lido, Paris
350.26-27, Town Hall, Hilversum
350.27-28, Willem Dudok
350.27-28, De Bijenkorf department store, Rotterdam
350.27-28, Untitled painting by Mondrian
350.32b, Chimney breasts, Alfriston
, half-hipped gabled building
350.33-351.01, British architect John Nash
350.33-351.01, A "cottage orné" designed by John Nash
350.33-351.01, George, Prince of Wales, 1815
350.33-351.01, King George III, 1771
350.33-351.01, King George IV
350.33-351.01, Blaise Hamlet, cottages designed by John Nash
351.03b, arabesque design
351.03c, arbutus tree with fruit and flowers
351.04-05, Lutry, seen from Lake Léman
351.05, Grantchester
351.05, Granta river
351.05-06, Terme Segestane
351.06, Palermo, Sicily
351.06, Lermontov
351.26-28, Alfred Hitchcock
351.32-352.01, Susanna and the Elders by Artemisia Gentileschi
352.27-353.02, Queen Victoria
352.27-353.02, King Edward VII
352.28, Villa Rothschild
353.03-11, Granta river
353.17a, scene from tomb of Tutankhamun
353.28-29, The Perfumed Garden
354.18, Three Graces, fresco
354.18, Stabien wall fresco
355.04, A. E. Housman
358.15-17, Football at Rugby School, 1850s
356.17-18, Acacia catechu
356.17-18, Maharao Khengarji III
355.29-30, Lucius Annaeus Seneca and Socrates
Afternote Part Two, Chapter 3, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch

Chapter 2-4 (pp. 359-364)
360.33, Scud clouds
361.02, Thalamus
363.06-07, Sigmund Freud
363.06-07, Carl Jung
363.25-26, Sir Walter Raleigh

Chapter 2-5 (pp. 365-387)
365.01, Kingston City Hall
, Captain Mayne Reid
365.01, Immanuel Kant
365.06-08, Martin Heidegger
365.06-08, Jean-Paul Sartre
365.16-17, Karl Marx
365.16-17, Eleanor Marx Aveling
365.16-17, Alexander Dumas
365.16-17, Hippolyte Taine
365.16-17, Émile Zola
366.11-13, Eugene Onegin
367.01, Chateaubriand
367.14, Algernon Charles Swinburne
367.14, Charles Lamb
367.14, Mary Lamb
368.04, Paphos
368.13-45, Fur seal pups
368.13-14, Russian desman (Desmana moschata)
368.19, King Valdemar Atterdag
371.02, Arden forest
371.04, Carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua)
371.04, Carob tree flowers
371.15, Henry Miller
371.15a, Samuel Beckett
371.15a, William Faulkner
371.15-16, Forever Amber
371.15-16, Dr Zhivago
371.15-16, Bonjour, Tristesse
371.30-31, Thomas Mann
372.29, escritoire
372.30, gueridon
373.10-11, paulownia tree
373.10, Blennosperma
373.10, Monolopia lacneolata
373.17-33, Ludwig Wittgenstein
373.17-33, Sir Karl Popper
373.23, H.G. Wells
375.23, The Perfumed Garden
376.02-03, cactus plants
376.02-03, Parry's agave (Agave parryi)
376.02-03, Bog orchid
376.12-13, Hubbard's Silk moth (Sphingicampa hubbardi)
376.12-13, Hawkmoth (Sphingidae) and datura
377.05-14, Henri Bergson, 1927
377.20-27, Anton van Diemen
377.23-27, André Malraux
377.28, kulaks
377.28a, Abel Tasman by Jacob Cuyp
378.04-05, acorn moth (Blastobasis glandulella)
378.11-12, The Scapegoat, by William Holman Hunt
378.11-12, William Holman Hunt
378.18, myrhh (Commiphora abyssinica)
378.23, pantalets
378.23a, Portrait of a Man with a Pink, by Hans Memling
378.23a, Portrait of a Woman with a Pink Carnation, by Rembrandt
378.32, Thomas Chippendale statue, Otley, UK
378.32, Chippendale armchair
380.20, starlings
380.29-31, Brigitte Bardot
380.29-31, Simone de Beauvoir
381.24-25, Diaghilev
381.24-25, Nijinsky
381.24-25, Serge Lifar
382.18, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Bosch
382.18, Alain Robbe-Grillet
382.24, Torchère
382.33-383.03, Vladimir Christian of Denmark by Justus Sustermans
383.01, Giovanni Caboto /John Cabot
383.01-10, Jean Nicot
383.29-30, triple contrabass viol
383.32, Graham Greene
383.32, Henry James
384.15, Budé book cover
385.06, Yucca
385.06-07, Aloe arborescens and Agave americana
385.08, Yucca Giant Skipper (Megathymus yuccae)
385.12, Rudolph Valentino
386.18-19, Le Mont-Dore
387.15, Bird of Paradise
387.15, Great crested grebe

Chapter 2-6 (pp. 388-395)
389.09, Odalisque by Ingres, in Grisaille
390.10-11, Beauverd Spiraea (Spiraea beauverdiana)
390.25, pan pipes
390.33-34, Libellula cyanea
391.14-27, sea otter, (Enhydra lutris)
391.14-27, Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber)
391.14-27, Alaska Fur Seal
391.19-20, German beaver, (nemetskiy bobr)
391.19, American mink (vison)
391.19, South American aqatic rodent (Myocastor coypus)
392.24, Birth of Venus, by Sandro Botticelli
393.11, Nathaniel Hawthorne
393.15, Adam and Eve, by Cranach the Elder
393.15, Emmanuel Poiré
393.16-17, Scots Pine plantation, (Pinus silvestsris)
393.31, Panorama of the eastern side of Grasse, 1911
, Swallowtail butterfly (Papilio machaon)
394.02, Hecate, by William Blake
394.13, Dance of the Almeh, by Jean-Leon Gerome
394.15-16, Ragusa Ibla, Sicily
394.15-16, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Chapter 2-7 (pp. 396-409)
396.02, Rudyard Kipling
396.02, Kim Philby
396.02, Empress Josephine
396.06-07, Janizary
396.09-10, François Coppée
397.11, Tulip trees (Liriodendron)
398.08, Kim Il-sung
398.16-17, calèche
398.17-18, a pillared porch, plantation home, Alabama
398.27, Bladder senna flowers (Colutea arborescens)
399.02-04, Patriarch Pimen I, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia
399.02-04, César Gabriel de Choiseul, duc de Praslin
399.05, Kaibab or skybab squirrel (Sciurus aberti kaibabensis)
399.05-06, convict cichlid
399.16-17, photogram by Thomas Wedgewood
399.16-17, heliographic engraving
399.16-17, daguerreotype, by Louis Daguerre
399.16-17, Louis Daguerre, 1844
399.16-17, Sumerian cuneiform, 26th century BC
399.18, Lumière brothers, Auguste and Louis
399.29-30, hawfinch
399.32-34, Lake Ohrid
399.32-34, Lake Onega
400.08-18, Peacock moth, (Saturnia pyri)
400.08-18, Peacock moth caterpillar (Saturnia pyri)
400.08-18a, Pear peacock moth paintings, from Palacio Vecchio
400.08-18a, Peacock moths "in copula"
400.08-18a, male and female Peacock moth antennai
400.08-18a, 'The Mutilation of Uranus by Saturn' by Vasari and Gherardi
400.08-18a, Grotesques by Gherardi from a Vasari design
400.08-18a, Giorgio Vasari
400.08-18a, Cristofano di Guido Gherardi
400.08-18a, Peacock butterfly (Inachis io)
400.08-18a, Red Admiral butterfly
400.08-09, Purple Emperor butterfly (Apatura iris)
400.15-16, Wisteria
400.24, Tulip tree flower
401.06,  Red wattlebird (Anthochaera carunculata
401.13, Pine starwort
401.26-27, The Peasant Dance, by Bruegel the Elder
401.26-27, Peasant Wedding Dance by Pieter Bruegel the Younger
402.01-02, Satyrium nepalense 
, Lord Byron by Thomas Phillips
403.03, European Polecat (Mustela putorius)
403.04, John Steinbeck, 1963
403.04, TS Eliot
403.05-07, Eugene O'Neill
403.05-07, Thomas Mann
403.06-07, Sir Thomas Gladstone, 1861
403.06-07, The Right Honorable William Ewart Gladstone, 1892
403.11, Thomas Wolfe, 1937
403.19-20, epiglottis
404.01-02, Diana butterfly (Speyeria diana)
404.01-02, Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly (Battus philenor)
404.05, Alice, the White Rabbit, and the Mad Hatter
404.18, Argynnis niobe
404.29, Victoria Island
404.31, Viola palustris 
404.31, pearl-bordered fritillary, (Boloria euphrosyne)
404.31, silver-bordered fritillary, (Boloria selene)
404.33, mature pupa of Mycalesis mineus
405.24-26, red bolete (Boletus auratiacus)
406.09-10, Norman Mailer
406.13, Osage Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix phaeogaster)
406.23, Barbarella
408.16-17, calèche
408.26-28, chromophotography
409.08a, Russian seven-string guitar
409.08-09, Jacarandas in bloom
409.09, Racemosa
409.13-14, The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyám
409.13-14, Kamadeva
Afternote Part Two, Chapter 7, Garden of Earthly Delights, centre panel

Chapter 2-8 (pp.410-423)
410.06, Spanish Fly, (Lytta vesicatoria, Meloidae)
410.08, Superb bird of paradise, male (Lophorina superba)
410.08, Superb bird of paradise, male, with Bower bird
410.08, King Bird of Paradise
410.13, Varvara Panina
410.13, Banff as seen from the top of the gondola
410.13, Banff Park Museum, 1920s
410.15, Apollon Grigoryev, drawing by Bruni 1846
410.15, Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka c.1840
410.16-18, Flora and Zephyr, by William-Adolphe Bouguereau,1875
410.17-18, Frank Ramsey
411.11-12, Paul Verlaine
411.22, Henry Hudson River and bridge
411.27-28, Death’s-head Hawkmoth lavae (Acherontia atropos)
411.34-412.06, Afanasy Fet (Shenshin)
412.14-15, Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy
412.15-17, Fyodor Chaliapin
412.18-19, Alexander Navrotsky
412.20-23, Alexander Gurilev
412.24-26, Bulat Okudzhava
412.24-26, Louis Zukofsky
413.04, Russian seven stringed guitar
413.13-14, Venus, Satyr and Cupid, by Bronzino
413.31, Russian desman
413.31, Sea otter
413.31, Chinchilla laniger
413.31, mantilla
414.25-28, agave (Parryi)
415.31, Leif Erikson
415.31, Vinland
416.08-09, Serromyia femorata
416.16, William James
416.19-20, Venus and Cupid on dolphins
418.26, Edmund Spenser
418.28-29, Casanova
418.29-31, Cruxifixion by Jacopo Bellini
418.29-31, The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine by Veronese
418.29-31, Venus of Urbino
418.29-31, Danae by Titian 
419.22-26, Humming birds
419.24-25, George Loddiges
419.24-25, Joachim Conrad Loddiges
419.26, Camel Cigarettes
419.27-28, Butterfly orchid (Oncidium luridum)
419.28, Lady's slipper orchid
419.33, slime mould
420.09-10, Samuel Beckett
420.24, polecat (Mustela putorius)
420.25-27, marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna)
420.32-33, Elizabeth Arden
421.08, Nikolay Karamzin
423.09, Uruk ziggurat

Chapter 2-9 (pp. 424-431)
424.01-02, Sergio Leone
424.01-02, Norman Mailer
424.01-02, Scott Fitzgerald
424.01-02, Dostoevsky
424.03-04, The Painted Desert in Arizona
425.30, The Great argus (Argusianus argus)
425.30, Brown argus (Aricia agestis)
452.32, Conrad Hilton hotel in Chicago
452.32, Conrad Hilton outside his Amsterdam Hotel
426.10, Wonder Woman
426.13-14, The Garden of Earthly Delights
426.15-16, Garden of Earthly Delights centre panel
426.15-16, André Breton
426.15-16, André Masson
426.15-16, Max Ernst
426.15-16, Man Ray and Salvador Dali
426.15-16, Salvator Dali
426.15-16, Philippe Halsman
426.15-16. Magritte
426.15-16, Last Judgement
426.32, Shakespeare
426.34, Olga Knipper
426.34, The Seagull
426.34, The Three Sisters
427.05, Yakima Country
427.07, George Bernard Shaw
429.03-05, Father Sergius
429.04, Tsitsikar
429.05, Perm river
429.05-06, Akimiski Island
429.11, Moscow, Idaho, 1913
429.15-22, Eugene O'Neill
430.12-13, Diagaliev
430.12-13, Njinski
430.12-13, Claude Debussy
430.12-13, Stéphane Mallarmé
430.12-13, Léon Bakst , 1916
430.12, Georgy Adamovich
430.12, Eugene Onegin

Chapter 2-10 (pp. 432-438)
432.14, Yorkshire Terrier
433.04-05, Southern Flannel moth (Megalophge opercularis)
Death and the Miser, by Hieronymus Bosch
433.09-10, Santiago de Cuba
433.14-15, Lisianky and Laysan Islands
433.18, Lagomorpha
433.23-24, Ship of Fools
433.25, Garden of Earthly Delights, by Bosch
433.31-33, Last Judgement, by Bosch
434.28-29, Last Judgement, by Bosch
435.06-10 , Last Judgement, Bosch
435.23-34, Last Judgement, central panel
435.20-21, Chateaubriand
435-27, bucklers
436.10-11, Tartar intellectuals
436.13-14, Beacon Street Mall
436.28, Garden of Earthly Delights
436.28, bird detail in Garden of Earthly Delights
436.28, blue thistle in Garden of Earthly Delights
436.28, Les très riches heures du Duc de Berry (May)
436.30-32, Meadow brown butterfly (Maniola jurtina)
436.34, Small Tortoiseshell or Nettlefly butterfly (aglais urticae)
436.34, Large Tortoiseshell butterfly (Nymphalis polychloros)
437.09-10, Ship of Fools
437.14-15, Man and strawberry, central panel, Garden of Earthly Delights
437.19-20, Tskitskar
437.29-30, Mongols of the Golden Horde at the walls of Vladimir in 1238
438.23-24, Hellish hounds, right panel, Garden of Earthly Delights
Afternote 2-10, Last Judgement

Chapter 2-11 (pp. 439-446)
439.20-440.01, Nuremberg, old castle
439.20-440.01, The Iron Maiden
440.20-441.17, Kegelkugel
440.24, Norman Mailer
440.26-28, gentian
440.33-34, Kegelkugel
440.33-34, Henry Miller
443.13, stone ambon
443.28-31, The Stone Guest
444.21-29, Sigmund Freud
445.11-12, pterion
445.29-30, The New Yorker Cover (30 May 1925)
445.31-32, Alpenstock
445.31-32, Leon Trotsky
446.07, chromophotography
Afternote 211, Last Judgement

Part 3 (Chapters 1 - 3)

Chapter 3-1 (pp. 449-452)
449.01-02, Flaubert's L'Education Sentimentale
449.01-02, Frédéric Moreau
449.01-02, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
449.02-06, Ladora
449.02-03, Tombe de Nakht
449.04-05, Edward Law, 1st Earl of Ellenborough
449.04-05, Map of Armenia
449.05-08, Lake Geneva
449.06, Gulf of Sidra or Sirte
449.11, Baie des Anges
449.11, Karl Eberth
449.14-19, Oak processionary caterpillar (Thaumetopoea processionea)
449.14-15, Cattleya hawkmoth, hairy caterpillar, 449.14-15
450.02-03, Jerry can (German Wehrmacht-Einheitskanister 1943)
450.05-06, suspended gardens
450-09-10, Bernina Express
451.03-04, Cathedral of Saint Nicholas
451.19-20, Miramas (Bouches Rouges-du-Rhône)
452.03, Varangians
452.05, Cascadilla Gorge

Chapter 3-2 (pp. 453-458)
453.05-06, William Pitt the Younger
453.05-06,   Rue de Saïgon, Paris
454.09, Lord Henry Brougham
454.09, Single brougham carriage, 1900
454.09, Hedag Electric brougham, 1905
454.09, Cumberland, England   
454.22-26, Racemosa
455.22-23, Oak tree
456.01-02, King George V
456.01-02, Grand Hotel de Paris
456.01-02, Alfonoso IV, 1621
456.05-06, Gustave Le Bon
456.10, Nathaniel Hawthorne
456.10-12, dachshund
456.14-18,  Amy Lowell
456.14-18, Robert Lowell
456.27-28, Proust
457.04-05, Mule
457.05, Charles de Gaulle
, Philippe de Gaulle
457.14-23, Bidet de Selle
457.14-23, Bosch, Garden of Earthly Delights
457.25-26, Rémy Belleau
458.02-03, Great Tobago, British Virgin Islands
458.02-03, Admiral Pavel Nakhimov