Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle Part 2, Chapter 3 (view annotations) |
3 |
In the spring of 1869, David van Veen, a wealthy architect of | |
Flemish extraction (in no way related to the Veens of our | |
rambling romance), escaped uninjured when the motorcar he | |
was driving from Cannes to Calais blew a front tire on a frost- | |
347.05 | glazed road and tore into a parked furniture van; his daughter |
sitting beside him was instantly killed by a suitcase sailing into | |
her from behind and breaking her neck. In his London studio | |
her husband, an unbalanced, unsuccessful painter (ten years | |
older than his father-in-law whom he envied and despised) | |
347.10 | shot himself upon receiving the news by cablegram from a |
village in Normandy called, dreadfully, Deuil. | |
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did Eric, a boy of fifteen, despite all the care and adoration | |
which his grandfather surrounded him with, escape a freakish | |
347.15 | fate: a fate strangely similar to his mother's. |
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Vaud Canton and then spending a consumptive summer in the | |
Maritime Alps, he was sent to Ex-en-Valais, whose crystal air | |
was supposed at the time to strengthen young lungs; instead of | |
347.20 | which its worst hurricane hurled a roof tile at him, fatally |
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fracturing his skull. Among the boy's belongings David van | |
Veen found a number of poems and the draft of an essay en- | |
titled "Villa Venus: an Organized Dream." | |
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348.05 | sexual torments by imagining and detailing a project (derived |
from reading too many erotic works found in a furnished house | |
his grandfather had bought near Vence from Count Tolstoy, a | |
Russian or Pole): namely, a chain of palatial brothels that his | |
inheritance would allow him to establish all over "both hemi- | |
348.10 | spheres of our callipygian globe." The little chap saw it as a |
kind of fashionable club, with branches, or, in his poetical | |
phrase, "Floramors," in the vicinity of cities and spas. Mem- | |
bership was to be restricted to noblemen, "handsome and | |
healthy," with an age limit of fifty (which must be praised as | |
348.15 | very broadminded on the poor kid's part), paying a yearly fee |
of 3650 guineas not counting the cost of bouquets, jewels and | |
other gallant donations. Resident female physicians, good-look- | |
ing and young ("of the American secretarial or dentist-assistant | |
type"), would be there to check the intimate physical condi- | |
348.20 | tion of "the caresser and the caressed" (another felicitous for- |
mula) as well as their own if "the need arose," One clause in the | |
Rules of the Club seemed to indicate that Eric, though fren- | |
ziedly heterosexual, had enjoyed some tender ersatz fumblings | |
with schoolmates at Note (a notorious preparatory school in | |
348.25 | that respect): at least two of the maximum number of fifty in- |
mates in the major floramors might be pretty boys, wearing | |
frontlets and short smocks, not older than fourteen if fair, and | |
not more than twelve if dark. However, in order to exclude a | |
regular flow of "inveterate pederasts," boy love could be dabbled | |
348.30 | in by the jaded guest only between two sequences of three |
girls each, all possessed in the course of the same week—a some- | |
what comical, but not unshrewd, stipulation. | |
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Committee of Club Members who would take into consideration |
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the annual accumulation of impressions and desiderata, jotted | |
down by the guests in a special Shell Pink Book. "Beauty and | |
tenderness, grace and docility" composed the main qualities | |
required of the girls, aged from fifteen to twenty-five in the | |
349.05 | case of "slender Nordic dolls," and from ten to twenty in that |
of "opulent Southern charmers." They would gambol and loll | |
in "boudoirs and conservatories," invariably naked and ready | |
for love; not so their attendants, attractively dressed handmaids | |
of more or less exotic extraction, "unavailable to the fancy of | |
349.10 | members except by special permission from the Board." My |
favorite clause (for I own a photostat of that poor boy's calli- | |
graph) is that any girl in her floramor could be Lady-in-Chief | |
by acclamation during her menstrual period. (This of course did | |
not work, and the committee compromised by having a good- | |
349.15 | looking female homosexual head the staff and adding a bouncer |
whom Eric had overlooked.) | |
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grandfather set at once to render in brick and stone, concrete | |
and marble, flesh and fun, Eric's fantasy. He resolved to be the | |
349.20 | first sampler of the first houri he would hire for his last house, |
and to live until then in laborious abstinence. | |
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the old but still vigorous Dutchman with his rugged reptilian | |
face and white hair, designing with the assistance of Leftist | |
349.25 | decorators the thousand and one memorial floramors he resolved |
to erect all over the world—perhaps even in brutal Tartary, | |
which he thought was ruled by "Americanized Jews," but then | |
"Art redeemed Politics"—profoundly original concepts that we | |
must condone in a lovable old crank. He began with rural | |
349.30 | England and coastal America, and was engaged in a Robert |
Adam-like composition (cruelly referred to by local wags as | |
the Madam-I'm-Adam House), not far from Newport, Rodos | |
Island, in a somewhat senile style, with marble columns dredged | |
from classical seas and still encrusted with Etruscan oyster shells |
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—when he died from a stroke while helping to prop up a | |
propylon. It was only his hundredth house! | |
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clothier in Ruinen (somewhere near Zwolle, I'm told), with a | |
350.05 | a large family and a small trade, was not cheated out of the |
millions of guldens, about the apparent squandering of which | |
he had been consulting mental specialists during the last ten | |
years or so. All the hundred floramors opened simultaneously on | |
September 20, 1875 (and by a delicious coincidence the old | |
350.10 | Russian word for September, "ryuen'," which might have |
spelled "ruin," also echoed the name of the ecstatic Never- | |
lander's hometown). By the beginning of the new century the | |
Venus revenues were pouring in (their final gush, it is true). | |
A tattling tabloid reported, around 1890, that out of gratitude | |
350.15 | and curiosity "Velvet" Veen traveled once—and only once—to |
the nearest floramor with his entire family—and it is also said | |
that Guillaume de Monparnasse indignantly rejected an offer | |
from Hollywood to base a screenplay on that dignified and | |
hilarious excursion. Mere rumours, no doubt. | |
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Low Gothic to Hoch Modern. In his parodies of paradise he even | |
permitted himself, just a few times, to express the rectilinear | |
chaos of Cubism (with "abstract" cast in "concrete") by | |
imitating—in the sense described so well in Vulner's paper- | |
350.25 | back History of English Architecture given me by good Dr. |
Lagosse—such ultra-utilitarian boxes of brick as the maisons | |
closes of El Freud in Lubetkin, Austria, or the great-necessity | |
houses of Dudok in Friesland. | |
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350.30 | favored. English gentlemen of parts found many pleasures in |
Letchworth Lodge, an honest country house plastered up to its | |
bulleyes, or Itchenor Chat with its battered chimney breasts and | |
hipped gables. None could help admiring David van Veen's | |
knack of making his brand-new Regency mansion look like a |
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renovated farmhouse or of producing a converted convent on a | |
small offshore island with such miraculous effect that one could | |
not distinguish the arabesque from the arbutus, ardor from art, | |
the sore from the rose. We shall always remember Little | |
351.05 | Lemantry near Rantchester or the Pseudotherm in the lovely |
cul-de-sac south of the viaduct of fabulous Palermontovia. We | |
appreciated greatly his blending local banality (that château | |
girdled with chestnuts, that castello guarded by cypresses) with | |
interior ornaments that pandered to all the orgies reflected in | |
351.10 | the ceiling mirrors of little Eric's erogenetics. Most effective, |
in a functional sense, was the protection the architect distilled, | |
as it were, from the ambitus of his houses. Whether nestling in | |
woodland dells or surrounded by a many-acred park, or over- | |
looking terraced groves and gardens, access to Venus began by | |
351.15 | a private road and continued through a labyrinth of hedges and |
walls with inconspicuous doors to which only the guests and | |
the guards had keys. Cunningly distributed spotlights followed | |
the wandering of the masked and caped grandees through dark | |
mazes of coppices; for one of the stipulations imagined by Eric | |
351.20 | was that "every establishment should open only at nightfall and |
close at sunrise." A system of bells that Eric may have thought | |
up all by himself (it was really as old as the bautta and the | |
vyshibala) prevented visitors from running into each other on | |
the premises, so that no matter how many noblemen were wait- | |
351.25 | ing or wenching in any part of the floramor, each felt he was |
the only cock in the coop, because the bouncer, a silent and | |
courteous person resembling a Manhattan shopwalker, did not | |
count, of course: you sometimes saw him when a hitch occurred | |
in connection with your credentials or credit but he was seldom | |
351.30 | obliged to apply vulgar force or call in an assistant. |
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were responsible for mustering the girls. Delicately fashioned | |
phalanges, good teeth, a flawless epiderm, undyed hair, impec- | |
cable buttocks and breasts, and the unfeigned vim of avid venery |
[ 351 ]
were the absolute prerequisites demanded by the Elders as they | |
had been by Eric. Intactas were tolerated only if very young. | |
On the other hand, no woman who had ever borne a child (even | |
in her own childhood) could be accepted, no matter how free | |
352.05 | she was of mammilary blemishes. |
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were inclined, initially and theoretically, to recruit girls of | |
more or less gentle birth. Daughters of artists were preferred, | |
on the whole, to those of artisans. Quite an unexpected number | |
352.10 | turned out to be the children of peeved peers in cold castles |
or of ruined baronesses in shabby hotels. In a list of about two | |
thousand females working in all the floramors on January 1, | |
1890 (the greatest year in the annals of Villa Venus), I counted | |
as many as twenty-two directly connected with the royal | |
352.15 | families of Europe, but at least one-quarter of all the girls be- |
longed to plebeian groups. Owing to some nice vstryaska (shake- | |
up) in the genetic kaleidoscope, or mere poker luck, or no | |
reason at all, the daughters of peasants and peddlers and plumb- | |
ers were not seldom more stylish than their middle-middle-class | |
352.20 | or upper-upper-class companions, a curious point that will |
please my non-gentle readers no less than the fact that the | |
servant-girls "below" the Oriental Charmers (who assisted in | |
various rituals of silver basins, embroidered towels and dead-end | |
smiles the client and his clickies) not seldom descended from | |
352.25 | emblazoned princely heights. |
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Erminin, and a Mr Ritcov, and Count Peter de Prey, and Mire | |
de Mire, Esq., and Baron Azzuroscudo were all members of the | |
first Venus Club Council; but it was bashful, obese, big-nosed | |
352.30 | Mr Ritcov's visits that really thrilled the girls and filled the |
vicinity with detectives who dutifully impersonated hedge- | |
cutters, grooms, horses, tall milkmaids, new statues, old drunks | |
and so forth, while His Majesty dallied, in a special chair built |
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for his weight and whims, with this or that sweet subject of the | |
realm, white, black or brown. | |
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on becoming a member of the Villa Venus Club (not long be- | |
353.05 | fore my second summer with my Ada in the arbors of Ardis) |
is today, after many vicissitudes, the charming country house of | |
a Chose don whom I respect, and his charming family (charm- | |
ing wife and a triplet of charming twelve-year-old daughters, | |
Ala, Lolá and Lalage—especially Lalage), I cannot name it— | |
353.10 | though my dearest reader insists I have mentioned it somewhere |
before. | |
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though some of the better ones, especially in France and Ireland, | |
rated a triple red symbol in Nugg's guidebook, nothing about | |
353.15 | them pre-announced the luxury and mollitude of my first Villa |
Venus. It was the difference between a den and an Eden. | |
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ebony eye, lovely snub, braided black mane, honey-hued faro | |
frock, thin amber arms, Negro bangles, doughnut earring of | |
353.20 | gold bisected by a pleat of the mane, Red Indian hairband, or- |
namental bib), lovingly borrowed by Eric Veen from a repro- | |
duction of a Theban fresco (no doubt pretty banal in 1420 B.C.), | |
printed in Germany (Künstlerpostkarte Nr. 6034, says cynical | |
Dr Lagosse), prepared me by means of what parched Eric | |
353.25 | called "exquisite manipulations of certain nerves whose position |
and power are known only to a few ancient sexologists," ac- | |
companied by the no less exquisite application of certain oint- | |
ments, not too specifically mentioned in the pornolore of Eric's | |
Orientalia, for receiving a scared little virgin, the descendant of | |
353.30 | an Irish king, as Eric was told in his last dream in Ex, Switzer- |
land, by a master of funerary rather than fornicatory ceremonies. | |
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delicious rhythms that Eric dying in his sleep and Van throbbing |
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with foul life on a rococo couch (three miles south of Bedford) | |
could not imagine how those three young ladies, now suddenly | |
divested of their clothes (a well-known oneirotic device), could | |
manage to draw out a prelude that kept one so long on the very | |
354.05 | lip of its resolution. I lay supine and felt twice the size I had |
ever been (senescent nonsense, says science!) when finally six | |
gentle hands attempted to ease la gosse, trembling Adada, upon | |
the terrible tool. Silly pity—a sentiment I rarely experience— | |
caused my desire to droop, and I had her carried away to a feast | |
354.10 | of peach tarts and cream. The Egypsies looked disconcerted, |
but very soon perked up. I summoned all the twenty hirens | |
of the house (including the sweet-lipped, glossy-chinned dar- | |
ling) into my resurrected presence. After considerable examina- | |
tion, after much flattering of haunches and necks, I chose a | |
354.15 | golden Gretchen, a pale Andalusian, and a black belle from |
New Orleans. The handmaids pounced upon them like pards | |
and, having empasmed them with not unlesbian zest, turned the | |
three rather melancholy graces over to me. The towel given me | |
to wipe off the sweat that filmed my face and stung my eyes | |
354.20 | could have been cleaner. I raised my voice, I had the reluctant |
accursed casement wrenched wide open. A lorry had got stuck | |
in the mud of a forbidden and unfinished road, and its groans | |
and exertions dissipated the bizarre gloom. Only one of the | |
girls stung me right in the soul, but I went through all three | |
354.25 | of them grimly and leisurely, "changing mounts in midstream" |
(Eric's advice) before ending every time in the grip of the | |
ardent Ardillusian, who said as we parted, after one last spasm | |
(although non-erotic chitchat was against the rules), that her | |
father had constructed the swimming pool on the estate of | |
354.30 | Demon Veen's cousin. |
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and Eric was a skeleton in the most expensive corner of the Ex | |
cemetery ("But then, all cemeteries are ex," remarked a jovial |
[ 354 ]
'protestant' priest), between an anonymous alpinist and my | |
stillborn double. | |
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little Salopian of eleven or twelve, looked so amusing with his | |
355.05 | copper curls, dreamy eyes and elfin cheekbones that two ex- |
ceptionally sportive courtesans, entertaining Van, prevailed | |
upon him one night to try the boy. Their joint efforts failed, | |
however, to arouse the pretty catamite, who had been exhausted | |
by too many recent engagements. His girlish crupper proved | |
355.10 | sadly defaced by the varicolored imprints of bestial clawings and |
flesh-twistings; but worst of all, the little fellow could not | |
disguise a state of acute indigestion, marked by unappetizing | |
dysenteric symptoms that coated his lover's shaft with mustard | |
and blood, the result, no doubt, of eating too many green | |
355.15 | apples. Eventually, he had to be destroyed or given away. |
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continued. A famous French floramor was never the same after | |
the Earl of Langburn discovered his kidnapped son, a green- | |
eyed frail faunlet, being examined by a veterinary whom the | |
355.20 | Earl shot dead by mistake. |
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quarter. The personage we have called Ritcov or Vrotic had | |
been induced by the ailings of age to withdraw his patronage. | |
However, one night he suddenly arrived, looking again as ruddy | |
355.25 | as the proverbial fiddle; but after the entire staff of his favorite |
floramor near Bath had worked in vain on him till an ironic | |
Hesperus rose in a milkman's humdrum sky, the wretched | |
sovereign of one-half of the globe called for the Shell Pink | |
Book, wrote in it a line that Seneca had once composed: | |
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—and departed, weeping. About the same time a respectable | |
Lesbian who conducted a Villa Venus at Souvenir, the beautiful |
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Missouri spa, throttled with her own hands (she had been a | |
Russian weightlifter) two of her most beautiful and valuable | |
charges. It was all rather sad. | |
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356.05 | amazing rapidity along several unconnected lines. Girls of |
flawless pedigree turned out to be wanted by the police as the | |
"molls" of bandits with grotesque jaws, or to have been criminals | |
themselves. Corrupt physicians passed faded blondes who had | |
had half a dozen children, some of them being already prepared | |
356.10 | to enter remote floramors themselves. Cosmeticians of genius |
restored forty-year-old matrons to look and smell like school- | |
girls at their first prom. Highborn gentlemen, magistrates of | |
radiant integrity, mild-mannered scholars, proved to be such | |
violent copulators that some of their younger victims had to | |
356.15 | be hospitalized and removed to ordinary lupanars. The anony- |
mous protectors of courtesans bought medical inspectors, and | |
the Rajah of Cachou (an impostor) was infected with a venereal | |
disease by a (genuine) great-grandniece of Empress Josephine. | |
Simultaneously, economic disasters (beyond the financial or | |
356.20 | philosophical ken of invulnerable Van and Demon but affecting |
many persons of their set) began to restrict the esthetic assets | |
of Villa Venus. Disgusting pimps with obsequious grins dis- | |
closing gaps in their tawny teeth popped out of rosebushes | |
with illustrated pamphlets, and there were fires and earthquakes, | |
356.25 | and quite suddenly, out of the hundred original palazzos, only |
a dozen remained, and even those soon sank to the level of | |
stagnant stews, and by 1910 all the dead of the English cemetery | |
at Ex had to be transferred to a common grave. | |
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356.30 | cauliflowered candle was messily burning in its tin cup on the |
window ledge next to the guitar-shaped paper-wrapped bunch | |
of long roses for which nobody had troubled to find, or could | |
have found, a vase. On a bed, some way off, lay a pregnant | |
woman, smoking, looking up at the smoke mingling its volutes |
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with the shadows on the ceiling, one knee raised, one hand | |
dreamily scratching her brown groin. Far beyond her, a door | |
standing ajar gave on what appeared to be a moonlit gallery | |
but was really an abandoned, half-demolished, vast reception | |
357.05 | room with a broken outer wall, zigzag fissures in the floor, and |
the black ghost of a gaping grand piano, emitting, as if all by | |
itself, spooky glissando twangs in the middle of the night. | |
Through a great rip in the marbleized brick and plaster, the | |
naked sea, not seen but heard as a panting space separated from | |
357.10 | time, dully boomed, dully withdrew its platter of pebbles, and, |
with the crumbling sounds, indolent gusts of warm wind reached | |
the unwalled rooms, disturbing the volutes of shadow above the | |
woman, and a bit of dirty fluff that had drifted down onto her | |
pale belly, and even the reflection of the candle in a cracked pane | |
357.15 | of the bluish casement. Beneath it, on a rump-tickling coarse |
couch, Van reclined, pouting pensively, pensively caressing the | |
pretty head on his chest, flooded by the black hair of a much | |
younger sister or cousin of the wretched florinda on the tumbled | |
bed. The child's eyes were closed, and whenever he kissed their | |
357.20 | moist convex lids the rhythmic motion of her blind breasts |
changed or stopped altogether, and was presently resumed. | |
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softly rustling roses, remained sealed and he had not the heart | |
to remove the silky dear head from his breast so as to begin | |
357.25 | working on the explosive bottle. He had fondled and fouled her |
many times in the course of the last ten days, but was not sure | |
if her name was really Adora, as everybody maintained—she, | |
and the other girl, and a third one (a maidservant, Princess | |
Kachurin), who seemed to have been born in the faded bathing | |
357.30 | suit she never changed and would die in, no doubt, before reach- |
ing majority or the first really cold winter on the beach mattress | |
which she was moaning on now in her drugged daze. And if | |
the child really was called Adora, then what was she?—not | |
Rumanian, not Dalmatian, not Sicilian, not Irish, though an |
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